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Certayn chapters take[n] out of the Proverbs of Salomo[n]

wyth other chapters of the holy Scripture; & certayne Psalmes of David, translated into English metre, by Iohn Hall. Whych Proverbes of late were set forth, Imprinted and untruely entituled, to be thee doynges of Mayster Thomas Sternhold ... as by thys Copye it may be perceaved

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[It is hete taughte that we shulde learne]

Argumentum. Cha. ii.

It is hete taughte that we shulde learne
Gods wysdome to obtayne
The wealth also that cometh therof
Is here descrybed playne.
My sōne receiue ye these my wordes
the which shalbe right wyse
And kepe thou my cōmaūdementes,
my sonne I the aduyse

So that thine eares may euermore
to wysdomes scholes encline
Applye thyne harte to vnderstand,
suche thinges as bee dyuyne
For yf thou after wysedome crye,
and styl vpon her craue
And callest on for knowledge gift,
because thou woldeste her haue
And seke for her as thou woldest seke
for mony in the dust
And dygge for her as treasure that
in earth is hydde and trust
Thē shalt thou right wel vnderstāde
the feare of god the Lord
And of his law the knowledg find,
accordyng to hys worde
For god alone doeth geue to vs,
his wysdom for to speake
Out of his mouth doth knowledg spring
and vnderstāding eke
The rightuous mē he doth preserue
in welfare through hys myghte.
He doth defende the innocent,
that walke his way aryght

He doth thē kepe straight in his pathes
that they go not astraye
He doth directe hys holy ones,
to walke ryght in his waye
Yf thou be soch, thou shalt thē lerne
by iustice for to deale
With euery man in equitye,
throughout the comen weale
In iudgemet right thou shalt lykewise
al other men excel
And euery good path vnto the,
the lord shal shewe ful well
Yf wysdom enter into thyne harte,
and knowledge in thy spirite
Thē vnderstandyng good counsel,
shal the preserue vpryght
That thou mayst so deliuered be
from euery wycked way
And frō those mē that froward thīges
do alwayes speake & saye
The which do leue the wai of light
and walke in darkenes styll
And whych reioyce most iocundly,
when they haue done full yll

Whych do delyte in wyckednes,
whose wayes are vyle & vaine
Whose croked pathes are sclaūderous
frō them do thou refraine
That also from the straūge woman
delyuered thou mayste be
And from her eke that is not thyne,
or was not wedde to the
Which speaketh faire, & doth forsake
the husbād of her youth
And doth forget the cōnaunt made,
of God and of hys trouth.
Take hede, her house enclineth fast
to death, as I the tell
Her pathes ar sure the ready way,
that leadeth downe to hell
And they also that go to her,
shal not come oute againe
Nor take hold of the waye of lyfe,
I tel the thys is playne
That thou mayst walke in the sure waye
wherof I do the tel
And kepe the pathes of ryghtuousnes
thē shalt thou do ryght wel

For why? thee iuste shall euer lyue,
in ioye that dothe not cease
The innocente remayne on earthe
in wealth, and eke in peace
But the vngodly shalbe pluct,
out of the lande I saye
And wicked men chased shalbe,
out of the same for aye.