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Thrifts Eqvipage

Viz. Fiue Diuine and Morall Meditations, of 1. Frugalitie. 2. Prouidence. 3. Diligence. 4. Labour and Care. 5. Death [by Robert Aylett]

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To whom should I these pleasing paines commend,
My Muse hath tane Frugality to trade?
But to the Muses deare and noble friend,
Who, as in Honour, seekes to thriue in Grace:
Who, truly noble, honoureth his Place;
Nor fer his Place is onely honoured:
Whom should the Muses more desire to grace,
Then whom they haue vp in their Bosomes bred,
And who with bounteous gifts them hath reguerdoned?
Such Bounty is true Thrift: Thus thou dost lay
Thy treasure vp in heau'n; thus thou dost gaine:
By giuing of some fading goods away,
True honour, which for euer shall remaine:
If thou wilt pleased be to entertaine
Thrift and her traine, into thy Patronage,
I boldly dare in her behalfe maintaine,
Shee is faire, bounteous, sober, graue and sage,
And fit to counsell thee, in Youth, in Strength, and Age.

Next, Prouidence shall guide thee and protect,
In all wherein thine hand is diligent,
And holy Care and Labour shall direct
Thy Counsels to a iust and good euent,
To hau'n of Rest, to harbour of Content:
And if thou please to reade Deaths Meditation,
Thou shalt perceiue her as an Herald sent,
To summon thee to heau'nly habitation,
To blessed Bride and Bridegroomes marriage-consummation:
Most happy end of all, that rightly runne
Their courses in the dayes of vanity!
With Wisedomes study Solomon begun,
But ends all with this Epithalamie:
Sweet Swan-like Farewell of Mortality!
Taste of true Ioy which euer shall remaine!
Then know, it is thy highest Dignitie,
This Earnest sure, of heau'n on earth, to gaine;
Which I will pray for, Thou must labour to attayne.
Your Lordships most deuoted in all affectionate duty and seruice, Robert Aylet.