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Ane Breif Commendatiovn of Vprichtnes

in respect of the surenes of the same, to all that walk in it, amplify it cheifly be that notabill document of Goddis michtie protectioun, in preseruing his maist vpricht seruand, and feruent Messinger of Christis Euangell, Iohne Knox. Set furth in Inglis meter be M. Iohne Dauidsone [i.e. John Davidson] ... Quhairunto is addit in the end ane schort discurs of the Estaitis quha hes caus to deploir the deith of this Excellent seruand of God

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Sen that we se men till haue studyit ay.
Into this eirth sic strenthis to prepair
As micht be saifgaird to thame nicht and day,
Quhen ony danger dang thame in dispair.
Wald thow gude Reider haue ane strenth preclair,
Maist strang and stark to rin to in distres

Prouer. 10. 12. 13. 18.

This lytill schedull schortly sall declair

Ecclesi. 9.

How that the surest Towre is vprichtnes.

Psal. 25. 27. 91.

Quhilk vprichtnes we may descriue to be:
Ane traid of lyfe conforme to Godds command,

Iob. 31.

Without all poysoun of Hypocrisie
Or turning to or fra, from hand to hand.
Bot stoutly at the word of God to stand.

Prouer. 5.

Eschewing alwayis it for to transgres

Psalm. 18.

Not bowing back for thame that contramand.
This wayis we may descriue this vprichtnes.
For first thair is na Castell, Towre, nor Toun,
Nor naturall strenth, as Alexander sayis,

Q. Curt. li. 7

Bot mānis Ingyne may vincous and ding doun,
As that he had experience in his dayis,
Na strenth was sure to thame that was his fais:
The Craig in Asia did beir witnes,

Q. Curt. li. 7

Howbeit in hicht vnto the sky it rais,
It was ouercum for laik of vprichtnes.
Euin sa that bailfull Bour of Babilone,

Q. Curt. li. 5.

Na saifgaird was to Darius we reid,

Ieremi. 51.

Suppois it was ane maist strang Dongeone,
And mony ma I micht declair in deid,
Bot sic exempillis Foraine nane we neid,
Quhat surenes fand the Bischopis halynes,
Into Dunbartane quhair he pat his Creid.
It was not half sa sure as vprichtnes.

Psalm. 33. 40. 60.

The force of men gif ony will obtend,

Esai. 31.

Kinred, or freinds to be ane gaird maist strang,

Ieremi. 17

All is bot vane, thay can not man defend,

For quha mair surely into Royat rang,

Q. Curt. lib. 10.

Nor the greit Conqueror his freindis amang,

Zit was he poysonit as sum dois expres,
Intill his Camp quhilk he had led sa lang,
Than quhat is force of man till vprichtnes.

Prouer. 11.

Riches and rent we ken dois not abyde,

Eccle. 5.

Bot flitts and fochis euer to and fra,

Iob. 11.

Than vane it is in thame for to confyde,

Psalm. 49.

Sen that we se thame asweill cum as ga,

2. Timot. 6.

Thairfoir my freindis sen that the cace is sa,

Zephan. 1.

That warldly strenth can haue na sickernes,

Ecclesi. 2.

Sum vther saifgaird surely we mon ha,

Nahum. 3.

Quhilk is nocht ellis bot only vprichtnes.

Bot sum perchance that winks mair wylelie,
Will say thay wait ane wyle that I na wist,
With iouking thay will Iangill craftelie,
And on thair feit will ay licht quhen thay list:
Thinking all surenes thairin to consist:
Hypocrisie is quent with quyetnes,
Bot all begylit thay ar into the mist.
For nathing can be sure but vprichtnes.
For quhat become of fals Achitophell,

2. Sam. 17.

For als far as he saw befoir his neis,

The Scripture schawis I neid not heir to tell.
The lyke of this in mony Historeis,

Psalm. 7.

I micht bring furth that to my purpois greis,

Ester. 7.

How Hypocrites into thair craftynes,

Thame selfis hes trappit with greit misereis,
Becaus thay did eschew all vprichtnes.
Bot quha sa euer on the vther syde.

Ester. 6.

Hes preissit peirtly to leif vprichtlie,

Dani. 6.

And be the treuth bound bauldly till abyde:

Hes euer had the maist securitie.

For thay had God thair buckler for to be,
Quhome we mon grant to be ane strang fortres,

Psalm. 76.

Of quhome the Deuill can not get victorie,

Psalm. 89.

Nor all the enemeis of vprichtnes.
Think weill my freindis this is na fenzeit fair,
For quha sa list of Dauid sor to reid,

1. Sam. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 29. 23.

May se quhat enemeis he had alquhair,
And zit how surely he did ay proceid.

2. Sam. 2. 3. 5. 8. 15. 16. 18. 20.

Becaus he walkit vprichtly in deid.
He was mair sure from Saulis cruelnes,

1. Sam. 23.

Nor gif ten thousand men intill his neid,
Had with him bene syne lackit vprichtnes.
Of sic exempills we micht bring anew,
Bot ane thair is that preifis our purpois plane
Of Daniell that Propheit wyse and trew,

Dani. 6.

How oft was he in danger to be slane.
Into the Lyonis Den he fand na pane.

Dani. 3.

The thre Children the fyre did not oppres.
I think this only Historie micht gane,
To preif how sure ane Towre is vprichtnes.
Bot zit becaus exempills fetchit far,
Mufis not so muche as thay thingis quhilk we se,
I purpois schortly now for to cum nar,
Vnto the but quhair cheifly I wald be:
That is to schaw the prufe befoir zour Ee.
Of thir premissis, as all mon confes
That hes sene God wirking in this countrie,
How ane hes bene preseruit in vprichtnes.
It is Iohne Knox in deid quhome of I mene,
That feruent faithfull seruand of the Lord,
Quhome I dar bauldly byde at till haue bene,
Ane maist trew Preicheour of the Lordis word.
I rak nathing quhat Rebalds heir record,
Quha neuer culd speik gude of godlynes.
This man I say eschaipit fyre and sword,
And deit in peace, in praise of vprichtnes.

Bot that this may be maid mair manifest:
I will discurs sum thing in speciall,
Tuiching this Lamp, on lyfe quhill he did lest,
First he discendit bot of linage small.

Amos. i. 7.

As commounly God vsis for to call,

Mark. 1.

The sempill sort his summoundis til expres.

1. Cor. 1.

Sa calling him, he gaue him giftis with all

Iaco. 2.

Maist excellent besyde his vprichtnes.

For weill I wait that Scotland neuer bure,
In Scottis leid ane man mair Eloquent.
Into perswading also I am sure,
Was nane in Europe that was mair potent.
In Greik and Hebrew he was excellent,
And als in Latine toung his propernes,
Was tryit trym quhen scollers wer present.
Bot thir wer nathing till his vprichtnes.
For fra the tyme that God anis did him call,
To bring thay ioyfull newis vnto this land,
Quhilk hes illuminat baith greit and small,
He maid na stop bot passit to fra hand,
Idolatrie maist stoutly to ganestand:
And cheifly that greit Idoll of the Mes.
Howbeit maist michtie enemeis he fand,
Zit schrinkit he na quhit from vprichtnes.
The greuous Galayis maid him not agast,
Althocht the Prelats gold in greit did geif,
Ouir schipburd in the sey him for to cast,
He fand sic grace thay sufferit him to leif.
Zea, mairatour thay did him not mischeif,
As thay did his Companzeounis mair and les,
With pynefull panis quhen thay thair pythis did preif,
God sa prouydit for his vprichtnes.
In Ingland syne he did eschaip the Ire,
Of Iesabell, that Monstour of Mahoun.
In Scotland nixt with terrour him to tyre,
Thay brint his picture in Edinburgh Toun.

Bot, sen to Scotland last he maid him boun,
Quhat battell he hes bidden ȝe may ges,
Sen Dagon and thay Deuillis he gart ding doun,
In spyte of thame that hatit vprichtnes.
Thay that hes bene cheif in Authoritie,
For the maist part had him at deidly feid,
Zit he eschaipit all thair crueltie,
Howbeit oftymes thay did deuyse his deid,
Zea, sum wer knawin perfitely be the heid,
Quha vndertuke his Dirige for to dres,
Zit bauldly be his baner he abaid,
And did not iouk ane ioit from vprichtnes.
Bot cheifly anis he was put to ane preace,
Quhen that the Quene of tressoun did accuse him
Befoir hir Lordis in haly Rudehous place.
Quhair clawbacks of the Court thocht till abuse him
Sa prudētly this Propheit yair did vse him,
Into refuting of that fulischenes.
That all the haill Nobilitie did ruse him,
And praisit God for his great vprichtnes.
Quhen Quene & Court culd not get him cōuict,
Bot sa wer disapointit of thair pray,
Thay fryit in furie that he schaipit quick,
Zit at the leist to get thair wills sum way,
Thay wald haue had him wardit for ane day,
In Daueis Towre, zea, for ane hour or les,
It was denyit for ocht the Quene culd say.
Thair micht be sene how sure was vprichtnes.
Bot in quhat perrell trow ze he was last,
Quhen Edinburgh he left with hart full sair,
Doutles na les nor only that hes past.
In spyte thay spak that him thay suld not spair,
Thay suld him schuit into the Pulpet thair
Becaus he did rebuke thair fylthenes,
And mischant murther that infects the air:
Zit God preseruit him in vprichtnes.

Mony ma dangers nor I can declair,
Be sey and land this Propheit did sustene,
In France and Ingland, Scotland, heir and thair,
Quhilk I refer to thame that mair hes bene
Intill his company and sic things sene;
Bot this far schortly I haue maid progres,
To preif how God maist surely dois mantene,
Sic as continew intill vprichtnes.
For this Excellent seruand of the Lord,
Vnto the deith was haitit as we knaw,
For sinceir preiching of the Lordis word
With Kingis, Princes, hie estait and law,
Zit in thair Ire him micht thay not ouirthraw,
He did depart in peace and plesandnes:
For all the troublis that he hard vs schaw
That he sustenit for lufe of vprichtnes.
And this is merwell gif we will considder,
Ane sempill man but warldly force or aide,
Aganis quhome Kings and Princes did considder,
How he suld fend from furie and thair fead,
Syne leaue this lyfe with list for all thair plaid,
He had ane surer gaird we mon confet,
Nor ony warldly strenth that can be maid,
Quhilk was nathing bot only vprichtnes.
Bot sum may say quhairto suld thow prefer
This vprichtnes quhilk thow extolls sa hie
Vntill all warldly strenthis that euer wer?
Sen that the contrair daylie we may se,

Gene. 4.

How vpricht men ar murtherit mischantlie,

Math. 14.

As first was Abell with greit cruelnes,

2. Chro. 14.

Gude Iohne the Baptist, and als Zacharie,

Math. 27.

Zea, Christ him self for all his vprichtnes.

Euseb To. 4 fol. 7.

Peter and Paull with mony ma sensyne,

And of lait zeiris in Ingland as we knaw,

Vide Sleidanum.

How mony piteously was put to pyne.

And now in France that schame is for to schaw!

Iames our gude Regent rakkin in that raw,
Quha had rung zit wer not his richteousnes.
Sa, I can se nathing sa sone ouirthraw,
Man in this eirth as dois this vprichtnes.
To this I answer into termis schort,
Quhen warldly strenth is vincust and maid waist,

Prouer. 11.

With it man tynis baith courage and comfort,
Quhen it is tynt quhairin he pat his traist:
Bot quha that deith in vprichtnes dois taist,

Prouer. 11.

Sall haue the lyfe that lests with ioyfulnes,

Math. 16.

Sa thay ar sure, becaus thay ar imbraist
Be the Eternall for thair vprichtnes.
Bot this sa lichtly we may not pas by:
I grant in deid quha preissis vprichtlie
To serue the Lord mon first thame selfis deny,

Math. 16

And na wayis dres to daut thame daintelie
Bot thame prepair for troublis Identlie,

2. Timot. 3.

For troublis ar the bage thay mon posses,

Psalm. 34.

Sen Sathan ceisis not continuallie

1. Pet. 5.

To trouball thame that followis vprichtnes.

Iob. 1.

Quhylis harling thame befoir Princes & Kings,

Luc. 21.

As rauing, Rebalds ru selie to be rent.
Accusing thame of troubling of all things,

1. Reg. 10.

As cankerit Carlis that can not be content,

1. Reg. 17.

Except all things be done be thair consent:
Now scornit, now scurgeit, now bād with bitternes

Math. 27.

Imprisonit, and sindrie fassiounis schent,

Ieremi. 38.

And sum tymes dreuin to deith for vprichtnes.

Act. 12.

This is thair lote oftymes I will not lane
Into this eirth that vse to be vpricht,
Bot quhat of this? my purpois zit is plane:
That is, that thay ar surer day, and nicht,

Psalm. 91.

For all this wo, nor ony wardly wicht.

Psalm. 118.

For in thair conscience is mair quyetnes
In greitest troublis, nor the men of micht
Hes in thair Castells, without vprichtnes.

For quhen Belshazzer, greit King of the Eist,

Dani. 5.

Ane thousand of his Princes had gart call,

Drinkand the wyne befoir thame at the Feist,
Intill his prydefull Pomp Imperiall:
Euin in the middis of this his mirrie hall
He saw ane sicht that sank him in sadnes,
Quhen he persauit the fingers on the wall,
Wryting his wrak for his vnvprichtnes.
Quhat sall I say I neid not till insist,
To schaw how thay to God that dois Rebell,
In thair maist micht can not be haldin blist,
For in this warld thay do begin thair hell,

Gene. 4.

As Cayin did that slew the iust Abell,

Esai. 66.

Within thair breist thay beir sic bailfulnes,

Prouer. 15.

That toung of man can not the teynd part tell,

Of inwart torments for vnvprichtnes.

Prouer. 14.

Bot thay that walks vprichtly with the Lord,

In greitest troublis wantis not inwart rest,

Act. 5.

As the Apostillis doung for Godds word,

Reioysit that for Christ sa thay wer drest.

Act. 13.

Peter in prisone sleipit but molest.

Act. 16.

Paull in the stocks and Sylas with glaidnes,

Did sing ane Psalme at midnicht, sa the best
Surenes that man can haue, is vprichtnes.
Sa be this surenes now I do not mene,
That Godds seruands ar neuer tane away,
Be cruell men, for the contrair is sene,
For God oftymes of his Iudgements I say,
Letts thame so fall, as thocht befoir the day:
To plague the warld for thair vnthankfulnes,

Esai. 3.

Quhilk is not worthie of sic men as thay.

Heb. II.

Bot I mene this be strenth of vprichtnes.

That quhen it plesis God to let thame fall,

Act. 7.

Thay haue sic inwart comfort without cair,

2. Timot. 4.

That thay depart with ioy Angelicall,

Of lyfe assurit that lestis for euer mair;

And zit sum tyme he dois this seruands spair,
To let the Tyrannis se his michtenes,

Esai. 41.

In spyte of thame, that he can his alquhair.

Ierem. 1. 4. 5.

Preserue maist surely intill vprichtnes.
Quhilk we haue sene as we can not deny,
Into Iohne Knoxis michtie preseruatioun,
Quhilk till our comfort we suld all apply,
I mene that ar the Faithfull Congregatioun.
Sen he dapartit with sic consolatioun,
Euin as he leuit, he deit in Faithfulnes,
Being assurit in Christ of his Saluatioun,
As in the end he schew with vprichtnes.
Sa is he past from pane to plesure ay,
And till greit eis doutles vntill him sell,
Bot for ane plague till vs I dar weill say,
As sair I feir we sall heir schortly tell,
Schir wink at vice beginnis to tune his bell.
Bot on this heid na mair I will digres,
That gude men hes mair rest in all perrell
Nor wickit in thair welth but vprichtnes.
Then sen alwayis we se that men ar sure
Throw vprichtnes quhidder thay liue or die,

Psalm. 37.

Let all gude Cristianes Imploy thair cure,
In thair vocatioun to leif vprichtlie,
And cheiflie let all preicheouris warnit be,
That this day God and the gude caus profes,
Na wayis to wink at sic Impietle

Tit. 1.

And cheifly dois withstand all vprichtnes.
Taking exempill of this Propheit plane,
Quhome heir befoir we breuit in this bill,
Quha Godds reuelit will wald neuer lane,
Quhen men begouth for to delyte in ill,
He wald not wane ane wy for na mānis will
For to rebuke Erle, Barrone, or Burges,
Quhen in thair wickit wayis thay walkit still.
Follow this Lamp I say of vprichtnes.

Let nouther lufe of freind, nor feir of fais,
Muse zow to mank zour Message, or hald bak

Psalm. 40.

Ane iot of zour Commissioun ony wayis

Esai. 5.

Call ay quhite, quhite, and blak, that quhilk is blak,

Ane Gallimafray neuer of thame mak:

2. Timoth. 2.

Bot ane gude caus distingue from wickitnes,

This kynd of phrais sumtymes this Propheit spak
Quhen he saw sum not vsing vprichtnes.
In generall do not all things inuolue,

2. Timot. 2.

Thinking zour selfis dischargeit than to be,

Thocht na mānis mynd in maters ze resolue:
For (zit till vse this same mānis Elogie)

Num. 23. 24

To speik the treuth, and speik the treuth trewlie,

Is not a thing (said he) brethren, doutles.
Thairfoir speik trewly but Hypocrisie,
Gif ze wald haue the praise of vprichtnes.

2. Timot. 4.

Let vice ay in the a win cullouris be kend

But beiring with, or zit extenuatioun

Act. 17.

Schawing how heichly God it dois offend,

Esai. 58.

Spairing ne stait that maks preuaricatioun,

1. Timot. 5.

Let it be sene till all the Congregatioun,

That ze sic haitrent haue at wickitnes
That ze mon dampne thair greit abhominatioun,
Quha planely fechtis aganis all vprichtnes.

Psalm. 38.

Quhilk tred of doctrine gif ze anis begin

Psalm. 41.

I grant the Deuill and warld will be agane zow

The feid of fremmit, and craibing of zour kin,
First ze sall find, syne terrour to constraine zow
To syle the suith, and sunze, I will plane zow.

Nahum. 1.

The Zock is not sa licht as sum dois ges.

Psalm 31.

Bot zit haue ze na dreid quha do disdane zow,

Psalm. 34.

Sen that zour fortres sure is vprichtnes.

For pleis it God zout lyfe to lenthen heir,
Thocht all the warld aganis zow wald conspyre,
Thay sall not haue the power zow to deir,
Albeit thay rage and rin wod in thair Ire,

And gif that God thinks gude be sword or fyre
To let zow fall, be ay in reddynes:
Being assurit that heuin salbe zour hyre,

2. Timot. 4.

Becaus ze endit, sa in vprichtnes.
Let not the lufe of this lyfe temporall,
Quhilk ze mon lose, but let quhen ze leist wene
Stay zow to cois with lyfe Celestiall,
Quhen euer that the chois cumis thame betwene.
Christis sentence in zour gardene keip ay grene,
Quha sauis his lyfe sall lois it not the les.

Math. 16.

Quhilk euin into this warld hes oft bene sene,
Quhat gaine is than to deny vprichtnes?
Than to conclude, sen in thir dangerous dayis
Sa mony terrours Tytanis casts befoir zow
Call vpon God to strenthen zow alwayis
That with his haly Spreit he will decoir zow
As he hes done his seruands ay befoir zow
That ze may neuer wink at wickitnes
With Gun & Gainze thocht thay boist to gor zow

Esai. 51.

Sen that zour Towre sa sure is vprichtnes.
M. I. D.

ANE SCHORT DISCVRS OF THE ESTAITIS quha hes caus to deploir the deith of this Excellent seruand of God.

Thow pure contempnit Kirk of God,
In Scotland scatterit far abrod,
Quhat leid may let the to lament:
Sen baith the Tyger and the Tod,
Maist cruellie cummis the to rent.
Thow wants ane watcheman that tuke tent,
Baith nicht and day that nocht suld noy the,
Allace thow wants that Instrument,
That was thy Lanterne to conuoy the.

Thy lemand Lamp that schew sic licht,
Was gude Iohne Knox, ane man vpricht,
Quhais deith thow daylie may deploir,
His presence maid thy bewtie bricht,
And all thy doings did docoir,
He did him haillie indeuoir,
Thy richteous actioun to mantene,
And libertie to the restoir,
Pleading thy caus with King and Quene.
He neuer huntit benefice,
Nor catchit was with Couatice,
Thocht he had offers mony one,
And was als meit for sic Office
As outher gellie lok or Iohne.
His mynd was ay sathe vpon,
Thy only weilfair, was his welth,
Thairfoir lament sen he is gone,
That huikit nathing for thy helth.
Lament Assemblie Generall,
At thy Conuentions is ane, and all,
For thow will mis ane Moderatour,
Quhais presence mufit greit, and small,
And terrifeit baith theis and tratour,
With all vnrewlie Rubiatour,
Thair ioukers durst not kyith thair cure,
For feir of Fasting in the Fratour,
And tynsall of the charge thay bure.
Bot now I feir that thow sall se,
Greit missing of that man to be,
Quhen craftie heidis sall na mair hyde,
The hurde of thair Hypocrisie,
Bot all sinceirnes set asyde,
With policie will all things gyde,
Thir Balamis birds sair may thow feir:
Thairfoir be Godds buke abyde,
And to sic Bablers giue na eir.

Giue strange opiniounis enteris in,
Tak tent quha sic things dois begin,
And with sic materis myths to mell,
For Sathan ceisis not fra sin,
The Kirk of Christ seiking to quell,
Sic foly faill not to refell:
For quhen the reik beginnis to ryse,
The fyre will follow as thay tell,
Be it not quencheit be the wyse.
Bot cheifly murne and mak thy mane,
Thow Kirk of Edinburgh allane,
For thow may rew by all the rest,
That this day thow wants sickin ane,
Thy special Pastour: and the best
That ony Kirk had Eist, or west.
He did comfort the in all cair,
And the foirwairnd of thy molest,
Quhairby thow micht thy self prepair.
Thair was na troubill come to the,
Bot he foirspak it oppen lie,
Thocht sum the mater than did mock,
Gif he spak suith now thow may se,
This day thy heid is in the zock,
God send the blyithnes of this block,
And freith the from thy fals aboue the,
For thow art the maist feruent flock
That Scotland beiris, as deid dois proue the.
And giue God sa hindills the best,
Allace quhat sall cum of the rest,
Except repentance rin and red:
It is ane Mirrour manifest,
Of dule and dolour to be dred,
To fall on thame this barret bred.
Bot till our purpois to returne,
Thocht of this feir thow salbe fred,
Zit hes thow mater for to murne.

Becaus that watcheman thow dois want,
That the in puritie did plant,
And comfortit thy Congregatioun:
Bot zit thocht he be gane I grant
The Lord can send the consolatioun,
Gif thow giue him dew adoratioun,
He will not leaue the comfortles.
As alreddy thow hes probatioun,
God grant thy Preicheours vprichtnes.
Ze Lords also that dois frequent,
The Loft in Sanct Geills Kirk lament,
That Bogill thair that ze hard blaw,
With quhome quhyles ze wer small content,
For the schairp threitnings he did schaw:
Zit thay maid zow sumquhat stand aw,
Thocht not so muche as neid requyrit:
This day in graue he lyis full law,
Quhilk langtyme was of him desyrit.
For seing all things not go weill,
He said thair suld not mis ane reill.
That suld the cheifest walkin vp.
Gif he said suith this day ze feill,
Luke gif God hes begun to quhup,
Bot thair byde zit ane sowrer Cup,
Except zour maners ze amend,
The dreggs but dout als ze fall sup,
From quhilk danger God zow defend.
Sanctandrois als not to leif out,
His deith thow may deploir but dout,
Thow knawis he lude the by the laue,
For first in the he gaue the rout,
Till Antechrist that Romische slaue,
Preicheing that Christ did only saue.
Bot last, of Edinburgh exprest.
Quhen he was not far fra his graue,
He come to the by all the rest.

God grant that thow may thankfull be,
For his greit graces schawin to the,
In sending the his seruands trew.
Amen. Thow heiris na mair of me.
Bot Kyle, and Cuninghame may rew,
Als sair as ony that I schew,
To quhome this darling was maist deir,
And vther gentill men anew,
Quhome I haue not reheirsit heir.
Than last of all to turne to zow,
That wer our brethren, bot not now:
God grant agane ze may cum hame,
For we suld wis zour weill I vow,
As also did this man be Name,
Thocht sum said he did zow defame,
He prayit to God that ze micht turne,
That ze micht schaip Eternall schame,
Thairfoir zour part is als to murne.
For doutles he was mair zour freind,
Nor thay that winkit, or manteind
Zour fulische factioun and vnfair.
In deid that ze suld not susteind.
He thunderit threitnings to the air,
To terrifie zow mair and mair,
And rug zow back that ze micht rew:
For he knew perseueird ze thair,
Ze wer bot schipwrak but reskew.
Than all this land thow may lament,
That thow lacks sie ane Instrument,
Till sum not plesand, zit, sa plane,
That all the godly was content.
Allace his lyke he left not ane,
Nor I feir sall not se agane:
Bot zit let vs nawayis dispair,
For quhy our God dois zit remane,
Quha can and will for his prepair.

For thocht his deith we do deploir,
Zit is he not our God thairfoir:
As wickit warldlings wald obtend,
Gone is zour God quhairin ze gloir.
The leuing God we mak it kend,
Is he, on quhome we do depend,
Quha will not leaue vs in distres,
Bot will his seruands till vs send,
Till gyde vs throw this wildernes.
Thairfoir letting thir Bablers be,
Quhais cheif Religioun is to lie,
And all Godds seruands to backbyte,
Traducing this man principallie:
Let thame spew out in thair dispyte,
All that thay will be word or wryte.
Lyke as him self is into gloir,
Sa sall all ages ay recyie
Iohne Knoxis Name, with greit decoir.