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[Missing Title]

This Holy Blood Cries out: doth thus Complain:
Where art thou Justice? Hast no Eyes or Hands?
Or art thou leaden heeld? or sick or lame?
Are not these bloody ones fit for thy bands?
Shine, shine forth Justice. Make these tyrants feele
Thou hast an Iron hand though leaden heel.
Hence Herod in his Chains Comes to the Bench
Those Babes Whose blood, and in whose blood Christs blood
He is embrew'd do meet him now and drench
Him with the Cup he filld with it. Is it good?
Nay Antipater both his Son and heir
A Cup of Poyson did for him prepare.
But God goes on and Justice doth thus smite
Him with a Slow and burning Fire that makes
His bowells rot, a greedy Apetite,
Worms eating him alive, sore Belly akes
A nasty Priapism doth abound
In him, and he doth stinck above the ground.
An instance he's of sparkling Justice shown
Oh! Wretched man! and yet in this sad state
All Judah Nobles in the Hippodrome
He pend up to be butcher'd at his Fate
Lest at his Death griefe should not drown the Land
The Nobles all must dy by his Command.
Soon after paring of an apple, hee
Had stabd himselfe had not hee hindred bin.
Whilst hearing his supposed Death brought glee
To Antipater he did butcher him
And five dayes after in a Wretched guise
Death Cites his soule to Come to Christs assize.
Now Archilaus, Herod, Philip, Cubs
Of this Curst Sire, like Curs on Carrion fall
Upon the Kingdom whom by Will he dubs
His Heirs, and Archilaus reigns withall.
He findes the Kingdom soon about his eares:
Untill he's banish't quite for his arreares.
And Herod, who his brother Philip wipes
Clean of his Wife (Strange litter of th'old Hound)
Takes of John Baptists head: but marke the Stripes
Which for a Close he over took him found.
He is dethron'de and banisht into France
With his Herodias, and her that Danct.


The Scourge doth pass to Pontius ---
He is accusd, took and to Rome is sent
His Case is heard by Cesar and moreo're
Hee is Condemn'd and suffers banishment
Exiled thus to Lions where he layes
Upon himself his hands, himselfe there slayes.
Then Herod James his slaughter who designd
To butcher Peter Comes to tax apace
For all his Rhetorick and Robes that shind
And Deity could not his doom deface.
An Angell smites him down. Worms eate him do
While yet alive. His ghost goes from him so.
The Stage in Judah is not quitted yet
The Jews for slaying Jesus must now smart:
Vengeance doth take their track and follow it.
With fearfull Scourges which she doth impart.
Their Temples made an Idoll. Temple and
Caligula's new Godhead there must stand.
This new found god they do disgust and rise
Up to displace. Where at they down are knockt
Like butcherd Calves, and on go mutinies
Till like a shambles all the land is stockt
Justice doth follow at their heeles untill
She by their blood hath Cancelled her bill.
Their towns begirt by Siegers till their Walls
Do tumble down their streets made streams of blood
Their houses filld with Famine. Women fall
Rosting their babes, bake, boyle them too for food
This was thy Cup, Jerusalem, Gods ire
Did burn thee and thy temple up with fire.
'Bout seventy three years from Christs birth were slain
Leven hundred thousands of thy Children, hence
And seventeen thousand more were Captives tai'n
And sold good Cheap, thirty for thirty pence.
Two thousand Titus led in tryumph who
Were some to pieces hackt, some to wild beasts goe.
Alas Jerusalem; this is thy Case
Thou Justice didst compell this way to shine
Because thou didst reject all Gospell Grace
And Crucify thy Onely Lord Divine
Those that reject the Gospell Grace shall finde
The Sword of Justice is for them design'd.


------ this ship is brought into the Coast
For when Tiberius would have deifide
Christ in thee, then he Could not rule the rost
Thy Senators, and Nobles Christ denide.
And though he had no saving Faith yet they
Rejected Christ and Justice brings their pay.
Tiberius a tyrant now becomes
Doth plague his Nobles, and a Scourge doth lay
Upon his Counsilours, his fiercness sums
Its rage up and doth eighteen of them slay
And hence the history doth thus complain
There was no day wherein no man was slain.
But after him Caligula who rather
Wisht all the folk of Rome had but one neck
That he might neck them all at once together
He murderd whom he pleased at his beck.
He'd be a god and honour have Divine
Hence fills all Temples with his cursed Shrine.
He in his Chest did keep two Bills this stylde
His Sword the one, the other Dagger namde.
Wherein their names he ment to slay were filde
Glasst Poysons ranck his Coffers lockt containd
Which being cast into the sea the thing
Did Fishes poyson much that swam therein.
But when this bloody man was slain and fell,
And Claudius Nero wore the Palmy Crown
His Cruell hand did still ring Justice's bell
Against their Nobles who fell by his frown
His Tyranny did rage untill the day
That Justice by her hand him took away.
Domitius then that Tyrant coming in
The Prodigy of monstrous Villany
Did make the Senates blood all Rome ore swim,
Them almost but their knites did all destroy.
His Mother and his Sister he defilde
Then slew them, and did kill his wife with Child.
He fisht with nets of Gold and Purple made
His Mules were shod with Silver Shooes, oh brave
He set Rome too afire meanwhile he playde
The Burning Troy. These flames did seven day rave
The second persecution by his Laws
He raisd against Christs flock, Charg'd with this Cause.
But Justice now delayes no longer. She
Doth move the Senate bravely to proclaim
Him foe to mankind, therefore drawn must bee
Through Rome, and scourgd to Death a Death of shame.
Which hee to shun doth take his Dagger and
Bebutchereth himselfe with his vile hand.