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Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

And Other Pieces from Laing MS. No. 447: Supplementary Volume: Edited with Introduction, Appendices, Notes, and Glossary by George Stevenson

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All reddie as al reddie I have bene,
All reddie shall I be quhill lyf may lest;
All reddie evir sorrow to sustene,
On land and sey, at large or fetterit fast;
In trubleous tyme, in boist of fortounes blast,
In heich estate, or ȝit in law degree,
In wea[l]the or woe, in healthe or secknes cast,
As I have bene al reddie shall I bee.
Then if my dewtie may deserve sick fee,
Forget not me quhois hart is whoillie ȝouris,
Quhois lyf and deathe sayis bot, forget not mee,
Submitting all into your princelie poueris.
And since alreddie (Sir) I am your thrall,
Forget not me amangis your servantis all.



Dispitfull speidder! puir of spreit!
Begune with baibling me to blame?
gok, wyt not me to gar the greit;
thy tratling, trewcour, I sall tame.
quhair þow beleivit to win a name,
thow sall be blasit of ane beild,
and sall resaue baith skaith and schame,
and syne be forcit to flie the feild.
Thy raggit roundaillis, reifand royt,
sum schort, sum lang, and [out] of lyne,
with skabrous collouris, fowsome floyt,
proceiding from ane pynt of wyne,
quhilk haultis for fault of feit lyk myne—
ȝit, fuuill, þow thocht na schame to wreit þame,
at menis command that laik ingyne,
quhilkis doytit dyvouris gart the dyt þame.
Bot, gokit guiss, I am rycht glaid
thow art begun in wreit to flyt.
sen, loun, thy language I have laid,
and put þe [to] thy pen to wryt,
Bot, dog, I sall þe so dispyt,
with priking put [þe] to sik speid,
and caus þe, cur, that worklum quyt,
syne seik ane hoill to hyd thy heid.


ȝit, knave, acknawledge thyne offence,
or I grow crabit, for to clair the.
ask merce, mak obedience
In tyme, for feir that [I] forfair the.
Evill sprit, I will no langer spair the.
Blaid, blek þe, to bring in ane gwyse;
And to mak pennance sone prepair the;
Syne pas furth as I sall devyse.
first fair, threid bair, with fundrit feit,
recanting thy vnseamelie sawis,
In pilgramage to allareit;
suin be content to quyt the caus,
and in thy teith bring in the tawis,
with bekis my bidding to abyd,
quhidder thow will let belt thy bawis,
or kiss all cloffis that standis besyde.
And of thir tua tak thou thy choiss,
for thy awin profeit I procure the,
or, with ane prik in to thy noiss,
To stand content, I sall coniure the;
Bot at this tyme think I forbuir the,
becaus I can not trait þe fairer.
sit þow this charge, I will assure the
the secund salbe sumthing sairer.



Fals feckles fowlmart, Loe heir a defyance!
Go, sey thy science: do, droche, quhat þow dow.
Gang trot in ane tow, mandrak but myance:
We will heir tyance, peild pellet, on that pow.
For mony ȝeld ȝow thow cald fra ane know,
And hid þame in ane how, stark theif, quhen þow staw þame,
Mensweirand thow saw thame, and maid bot a mow;
Syne fyld by the row, quhen they come that aw þame.
Thy dittay wes deid; þow docht not deny it:
Thy trumperie wes tryd; thy falset they fand:
Burrio the band: “cor mundum,” þow cryd,
Condempnit to be dryd, and hung vp fra hand.
Quhill þow payit ane pand, in that stour þow did stand;
With ane willing wand þow wes weill scurgit;
Syne finallie furgit quhy thow left þe land.
Now, Sir, I demand how this poyd may be purgit?
Schort mischappin schit, that schuip sick ane swnȝie,
Als proud as ȝe prunȝie, ȝour pen salbe plukkit.
Cum kiss quhair I cuckit, and change me þat cwnȝie.
Ȝour gruntill lyk grunȝie is gracles and gukkit;
Ȝour mowthe wald be mwkkit, till ȝe wer instructit.
Ȝour flirdome wanfuckit, ȝe tersell of ane taid,
Ȝour meitter mismaid hes louslie lukkit:
thow cwmelie conductit thy termes on ane slaid.
Arpit angrie Ettercoip, and auld vnsell aip,
Thow grenis to gaip vpon the grey meir.
Ga pley with thy peir, I sall pay the lyk a paip;
Thow will rax in ane raip or þe end of the ȝeir.


I promeis the heir to thy chaftis ill cheir,
Till þow gang and leir to lik at þe lowderis;
With pottingeris poulderis except þow ovrsmeir,
that scab that ȝe beir will scall the to þe schoulderis.
Tusche, twyscheillit trumpour, with tratling þow trowis,
Makand vane vowis to mache þe with me:
With þe poynt of ane kie weill brunt on thy browis,
Now god seu kowis quhairfra come ȝe.
I tell þe, bumbie, ane doggis deid þow will die,
Quhen I sall syne sie the hung be þe heillis,
for stuff þat þow steillis; into þe cuntrie
Na man may save the, for þow art past the seillis.
Proud, poysonit pykthank, perverss and puir,
I dow not induir to be dobbit with ane duik;
I'se fell the lyk ane fluik, flat on þe fluir.
thy scrowis obscuir ar borrow[it] fra sum buik;
fra lyndsay þow tuik, þow art bot chawceris cuik;
Ay lyand lyk ane ruik, if na man wald scar the.
Bot I sall debar the þe kingis kitching nuik;
Thow art fleyit for ane luik, bot I sall ryd nar the.
Stif, stridand stikdirt, I'se gar þe stink,
To teiche þe to think with thy maister to mel.
On sick as thy sell, pert pratling prink,
Culd þow not wair ink, thy tratlingis to tel?
Hy, ȝe huirsone, to hel, amangis þe feyndis fel,
And drink of þat wel that poysonit thy pen,
Quhair devillis in þair den dois ȝammer & ȝell:
Heir I the expell from all christinit men.
Finis be Apollois poet
Of his first reply to pollart



Blaird, baibling bystour-baird, obey:
Learne, scybald knave, to knave thy sell,
Vyld vagabound, or I Invey,
Cuistroun, with cuiffis the [to] compell.
Tryit, tratling trewcour, þe trewth to tell,
Stowp þow nocht at the secund charge,
Mischevous mischant, we sall mell,
In landward langwad[ge] we sall mell.
Quhairfoir, loun, as þow luifis thy lyf,
I bothe command and counsall þe
for till eschew this sturtsome stryf,
and with thy manlie maister grie.
for þis effect I sumound the
Be publict proclamatioune;
Cum and compeir vpon thy knie,
And kiss my fair fundatioun.
Bot, lord! I lawche to sie the bleitter,
gloir in thy ragmentis, rasche and raill,
with mankit, manschocht, mankit meitter,
Trottand and twmbland top over taill.
As carlingis comptis þair fartis, doyd snaill,
Thy rowstie ratryme, maid but mater,
I culd weill follow, wald I saill,
Or pres to fische within thy watter.


Onlie becaus, oule, þow dois vs it,
I will wreit verss off commune kynd—
And, swinȝeour, for thy saik refuis it—
To crab þe, bumlar, by thy mynd.
Pudlar, I pittie the so pynd,
To buckill him that beiris the bell;
Iak stro, Be better anes Ingynit,
Or I will flyt aganis my sell.
Bot breflie, beist, I ansser the,
In ssermone schort I am content,
And sayis thy similitudis vnslie
Ar nawayis verie pertinent:
Thy coyd comparisonis asklent
Ar monstrous lyk to the that maid thame;
Thy barking borrowit is vnlent,
Ȝit wer they waik let the invaid þame.
Also I may be Chawceris man,
And [ȝet] thy maister not the les;
Bot, wolf, thow waistis in cop and Can,
In gluttonie, thy grace I ges.
ga, drunkin dyvour, þe addres,
or borrow þe Ambassattis brekis,
To heir me now þei prais expres,
Knaif, if þow can, vnwait thy cheikis.
First, of thy iust genologie,
Tyk, I sall tell þe trewth I trow;
Thow wes begottin, sum sayis to me,
betuix þe devill and ane duin kow,
sa quhen the feynd wes a nicht fow,
In banket birland at the beir;
Thow sowkit syne ane broid blak sow,
Amangis þe middingis, mony ȝeir.


On ruittis and ruinscheochis on þe feild,
with nolt þow nurischit neir a ȝeir,
quhill that þow past both puir and peild,
Into argyle, sum guide to leir;
As, þe last nicht, did weill appeir,
quhill þow stuid fidging at the fyre,
fast fykand with [thy] hieland cheir,
my flytting forcit þe so to flyre.
Into þe land quhair þow wes borne,
I reid of nocht bot it is scant,
of cattell, clothing, and of corne,
Or welth and weilfair bothe dois want.
now, taidface, tak þis for ane tant,
I heir ȝowr howsing is richt fair,
quhair howland howlattis ay do hant,
with robene reidbrest but repair.
The cuntre folkis within the land,
I knaw, ar men of meikill rent
And luifing, as I vnderstand;
quhilk in ane Innes wilbe content
To live, and leave þair hous in lent.
In lent moneth, and long in summer;
Quhair tuelf knichtis kichingis hes a vent,
It will to furnes do þame cwmmer.
In stoir of lambes and lang taillit wedders,
Þow wattis quhair money cupple gais,
In scheilling, tyit fast in tedderis,
In felloun flokis of anes and twais.
Abreid, athort ȝour bankis and brais,
Ȝe do abound in coill and calk;
and thinkis, lyk fuillis, to fly all fais,
with targettis, twilȝeis, and twm talk.


Allas! puir hudpyk, hunger bittin,
Accustomit with scurrulitie,
bydand lyk bystouris all beschittin,
In feildis without felicitie,
Bair, barrane, but fertilite,
for fault of cattell, corne, & gersss;
Ȝour bankettis of sick vilitie,
deir of þe dog brane of þe merss.
woif, witles vanter, war nor wys,
cwstroun, þow wald “cor mundum” [cry].
Over laidnit loune with lang taillit lyse,
Thy doyttit dytmentis sone deny,
Trewcour, or I thy trumperie try,
And mak a legent of thy lyf;
for, flyt I aneis, folk will cry, “fy!”
Then þow wilbe warreit with ilk wyf.


Sir SWYNGEOUR, seing I want wairis
And sawis, to slaik the of thy sairis,
This present from þe pottingaris,
I think meit to amend þe.
for feir thy fevir feidis on follie,
with fasting stomak, tak oydollie
mixt with ane mowthfull of melanchollie,
from flewme for to defend the;


Syne pas ane space, and smell ane flour,
Thy Invart pairtis to purge & scour,
Tak þe thre byttis of ane ill hour,
And rubarb, baich and bitter.
This dewlie done, but onie din,
Syne sup sex soipis, but sumthing thin,
of the deill scad, thy guttis with in,
To haill þe of þe skitter.
Vnto ane bed syne mak þe boun;
Tak ane sweit serop worth ane croune,
And drink it with þe devill ga doun,
To recreat thy sprit.
And, last of all, craig to ane coird,
send for ane powder, and pay ford,
callit þe vengence of þe lord,
for thy muuge mowthe so meit.
Gif this presserve ȝe nocht from pane,
Pas to the potticaris agane;
Sum recepeis dois ȝit remane
To haill bruik, byle, & blister.
As diadregma quhen ȝe dyn,
And diagducolicum wat with wyne,
With powder I drait verie fyne,
And mair ȝit quhen ȝe mister.



Vyld venymous vipper, wanthreivinest of thingis,
Half ane elph, half ane aip, of nature denyit,
Thow flyttis and þow freittis, þow fartis and þow flingis;
Bot this bargane, vnbeist, deir sall þow by it.
“The kuif is weill wairit þat twa home bringis,”
This proverb, peild pellet, to þe is applyit:
Sprung speidder of spyt, thow spewis furt[h] springis;
Wanschaippin wowbat, of þe weirdis Invyit,
I can schaw how, quhair, and quhat begate the;
Quhilk wes nather man nor wyf,
Nor humane creature on lyf;
Fals stinkand steirar vp of stryf,
Hurkland howlat, have at the!
Into the hinderend of harvest, on ane alhallow evin,
quhen our goode nichtbouris ryddis, if I reid richt,
sum buklit on ane bwnwyd, and sum on ane bene,
ay trippand in trowpis fra the twie-licht;
sum saidlit ane scho aip all grathit into grene,
sum hobling on hempstaikis, hovand on hicht.
the king of pharie, with þe court of the elph quene,
with mony alrege incubus, ryddand that nicht.
Thair ane elph, and ane aip, ane vnsell begate,
In ane peitpot, by powmathrone;
That brachart in ane buss wes borne;
They fand ane monstour on the morne,
War facit nor ane cat.
The wird sisteris wandering, as they wer wont than,
Saw revinis ruge at þis rat be ane rone-ruite.
They musit at þis mandrak mismaid lyk ane man;
Ane beist bund with ane bunwyd in ane auld bute.


How this ghaist haid bene gottin, to ges they begane,
Swir sweillit in ane swyneskin and smeirit our with sute;
The bellie that it buir they bitterlie ban.
Of that mismaid mowdywart, mischeif they mwte.
That cankerit camscheocht, vncristnit, they curss;
And baid þat it suld nevir be but
The glengoir, gravell, & þe gut,
And all þe plaigis þat euir wes put
In pandorus poysonit purs.
“The coche, þe connoche, the collik, and þe cauld,
The coirdis, þe colt evill, þe claspis, and the cleikis,
The hunger, þe hart euill, þe hoist, mot þe hauld;
The boche, and þe barbillis, and þe cannogait breikis,
The ringbane, the banescheven, on thy sprung spauld,
The feirsie, þe falling evill, that fellis mony freikis,
Ourgane with angilberreis, as thow growis auld,
The choikis, the charbunkill, with þe wormis in thy cheikis,
The snuf, þe snoir, þe scheippisch, the schanker,
With the bleid[s] and bellithrow,
thy bytting battis, the baneschaw,
the mischeif on thy melt & maw,
The scabbis, and þe canker.
“The frenesie, the fluikis, the fykis, and þe felt,
The feveris, the totteris, with the spenȝie fleis,
The doyt, and the dysmell, indifferentlie delt,
the pelodie, the palsie, þe poikis lyk peis,
the [s]neising, the snytting, with swaming to swelt,
the wandevill, þe wildfyre, þe womeit, þe weis,
þe mair, the migram, þe mureill, þe melt,
the warbillis, þe wood-worme, that doggis of deis,
The phtiseik, þe twithȝaik, þe tittis, and þe tirrillis,


The panefull poplasie, the pest,
The rottin roup, þe auld rest,
with paines and parlasie opprest,
And nippit with þe nirrilis.
“The bruik, þe byllis, with blisteris and blainis,
baith beld and bleirit, brokin bakit, staneblind,
wirriand on wind flaiffis, and windie wainis,
the hoikis in þi choikis, hakkit heillis ay behind,
Thy swyne poikis, þe poistrume, and, pisching with pane,
Hydropasie, herschaw, and hyves, sall the bind.
The skunnering cattaris and hartskaid remanis,
baith kruikit and crampit, and chitterrit to the chin,
the stayne and þe stu[r]die, the stane and þe sturdie,
Lipper lispane of the lidder ill,
of dubbis & dreggis to drink thy fill;
no wyf will wische the worss with hir will,
for þow art not wurdie.
“The messillis, the mwillis, þe mallange mak þe mantane,
The fumyng, þe flewme, þe foothing, the flame,
The gelling, þe gulsocht, þe gall-hauld, þe gauntane,
The stane worme, þe ringworme, not slaiking of swame,
The wirsome, þe wraittis, not wormis be thow wantane,
The pluirasie, þe pluckeuill, ay dwynand in ane dwame,
Hoikis hoillis in thy heillis, with the fyre of St Antane,
The louslie phirasie, the tarrie vncame,
Ay ryvand of ane reif of venymeous water,
The lymphat, lunscheocht lithargie,
The aikand aixis extasie,
Desyrand daylie for to die,
Bot nevir the better.


“Wo worth,” quod þe weirdis, “the wicht[is] that the wrocht!
Threid bair be thair thrift as thow art vanthrewin!
Als hard be thair hansell þat helpis þe [to] ocht!
The rottin rim of thy womb with ruikis salbe revin;
All boundis, quhair þow byddis, to baill salbe brocht;
Thy gall and thy gwissorne to þe glaidis salbe gevin;
Ay schort be thy sollace; with schame be [þou] socht:
In hell mot þow hawnt, and hyd the from heavin;
And ay as þow growis auld, So eik in [thy] anger,
To live with lymmeris and outlawis,
With hurcheonis, aittand hipis & hawis;
Bot quhen þow cumes quhair þe cok crawis,
Tarie no langer.
“Botht schame and sorrow on hir snowt that sufferis the to sowk;
Or scho þat cairis for thy creidill, cauld be hir cast;
Or bringis onie bedding for thy blae bowk;
Or lowsis af thy ludȝeotis so long as they lest;
Or offerris the ony thing all the lang oulk;
Or first refreschis þe with fuide, albeit þow suld fast;
Or quhen thy duddis ar bedirtin, þat givis thame ane dowk;
A[l]s gromes, quhair thow grainis, at thy gruntill be agast;
Als freamit be thy fortoune, As foule is thy forme.
First, sewin ȝeir, be thow dum and deif;
And eftir that, a commoun theif:
Thow art markit for a meischeif,
Foule vnworthie worme!
“Vntrowit be thy tounge, ȝit tratling all tymes.
Ay fals be thy fingeris, bot laith to confess.
All cuntreis quhair thow cwmes accuse þe of crymes;
Ay þe langer that thow live thy luk be the less.


Ȝit still be þow reivand, bot rude of thy rymes.
All ill be þow vsand, and ay in excess.
Ilk moone be þow mad, fra past be the pryme[s];
Syne plaigit with povertie, thy pryde to oppres.
With wolfis and wilcattis thy weird be to wander;
Draiglit throw dirtie dubbis and dykis;
Taigilt and towsilt with toun tykis.
Say, lowsie lowne, quhat evir þow lykis;
Thy tounge is no sclander.”
Fra þe weird sisteris saw the schaip of that schit,
“Littill luk be thy lot,” quod they, “quhair þow lyis.”
“Thy fowmart face,” quod þe first, “to flyt salbe fit.”
“Nikniven,” quod þe nixt, “sall nureische þe thryse;
To ryde post in Elphin none abiller nor it.”
“To dryve doggis furth to dryt,” þe third did devyse:
“All they dayis sall þow be of thy bodie bot a bit.
As suche as þow seames, als scharp be thy syse.”
Then dewlie they deimit, quhat deid it suld die.
The first said, “suirlie of a schot”;
The nixt said, “In a rynnand knot”;
The thrid, “be thrawing of þe throt,
Lyk a tyk on a trie.”
The[n] wilfullie voitit the weirdis in ane voce,
The deid of þat daiblet, and then they withdrew;
To let it ly þair allone, they thocht littill lose,
In ane den be ane dyksyde, or the day dew.
Thair a cleir cumpany cum eftir close,
Nickniven with hir nymphis, in nomber anew,
With chairmes from cathnes and chanrie of Ross,
Quhais cwnning consistis in casting a clew;
Sein þat same thing they said to þameself:


“This maikles monstour is meit for ws,
And for our craft commodious;
Ane vglie aip and incubus,
And gottin of Elf.”
Thir venerabill virginis quhome ȝe wald call wiches,
In tyme of thair triumph, they tirlt me that taid;
Sum bakward on broidswis, & sum on blak bicheis,
Sum, in steid of ane staig, over ane stark munk straid.
From the heavinis to the hellis, sum hobbillis, sum hichis;
With þair mowthis to þe moone, sick murgeonis they maid.
Sum, be force, & effect, the four windis fichis;
And, nyne tymes, wirdersones, about the thorne raid;
And glowrand to þe ground grivouslie gaipis,
By craft coniurand feyndis by force.
Furth of ane carne, bysyde ane croce,
Thir ladyis licht fra thair horss,
And band þame with raipis.
Syne bairfute and bair ledgit, to bapteiss that barne,
To ane well went thy west, by ane wood syde;
They saw the schit all beschyttin and soipit in charne.
On ane thre headit hecate in haist þair they cryit:
“As we have fund in this feild this fundlin forfarne,
First, his faith he forsaikis, in the feynd to confyde,
Be vertew of thir wordis & of this raw ȝarne,
And thryse thre and threttie knottis on ane blew threed;
And of deid menis memberis, weill schewit in ane schoe,
Quhilk we have band from top and tae,
Ewin of ane hundreth men and mae:
Now grant ws, devillis, ere ve gae
Our dewtie to doe.


“Be þe moving of þe mone, mapamone, & þe kingis ell,
Be phlegitoun, the sevin starnis, and þe Chairlvane,
Be the hicht of þe heavin, and lawnes of hell,
Be all the brether of belliallis buird in ane band,
Be the pollis, þe planeittis, and singis all tuell,
Be þe michtis of þe moone—lat mirknes remane,—
Be the elementis [all] that our craft can compell,
Be the floodis Infernall, and fureis of pane,
Be all the ghaistis of our gang, that dwellis þair doun,
In signe of stikis, that stinking strand,
And pluto, that our court command,
Resave this harlot of our hand,
In name of Mahoun.
“That this worme, in our wark, sick wonder can wirk;
And, throw poysoun of þis poyd, our practic prevaillis
To cut of our cwmmer to cum to the kirk,
For the half of our help I hauld heir is haill.
Let nevir þis vndoche of evill doing Irk,
All boundis quhair it bydis may brocht be to baill.
Of bliss let it be als bair as þe birk,
That tittest þat taidrell may tell ane ill taill:
Let no wo in þis warld to þis wrache be wantit.”
Be they haid said, the fyre flauch flew;
Bothe thunder, weit, and windis blew;
Quhair be the cwming cummeris knew
Thair asking wes grantit.
Quhen þe cummeris that crab with pluto contractit,
They promeist, as parentis, [syne,] for thair awin pairt,
Ane mother of mischeif, an they micht mak it,
Ane Imp of all ill most meit for þair airt.


Nikniven, as nwrische, to teich it, gart tak it,
To saill the see in a sive, bot compas or cairt;
And milk of ane harin tedder, that wyfis suld be wrakit,
And þe kow give ane choppin wes wont give a quart;
That bairnis suld bane baith bloode & banis,
Quhen they haue neither milk nor meill;
Compellit be hunger for to steill,
Then sall they give him to the deill,
Ofter nor anes.
Fra the dames devoitlie haid done þair devoir,
In having that hurchoun, they haistit þame hame,
Of þat mater to mak amangis þame na moir,
saifing, nixt, þat þe Nunes þat nirlend suld name.
thay cowit ther [the] kytrell, the face of it bair,
And nippit it so done neir, that to sie it wes schame;
Syne callit it peild pollart, they peild it so sair.
“Quhair we clip” quod þe cwmmeris, “it cummeris na kame,
For we have [heght] to Mahoun for hansell his hair.”
They maid it lyk a scrapit swyne;
And ay as they pold it, they gart it quhryn,
And schuif, as we may sie syne,
The face of it bair.
Be ane eftir midnicht, þair office they endit;
for then it wes na tyme for trumpouris to tairie:
sum bakvard on biches and broodsowis bend[it],
that cruikit crokadeill [they] quyt with þame they carie.
vnto þe cocatrice in ane creill they send it;
quhair, sevin ȝeiris, it sowkit, sweillit, singit and sarie,
The [kin of it] be þe cry, incontinent kend it,
feching fude for to feid it, from the feild of pharie.
Ilk elph of þame all broch ane almond oisteris;


Bot wes no dayntie dische;
Ane foul phlegmatik fowsum fiche:
Insteid of sawthe, on it they piche.
Sic fude [feid] sick foisteris!
And first fra þe father, syne sindrie haid fed it,
Mony mwnkis and marmaidynis come with þe moþer.
“Black boiche on þair bouk,” quod thay, “that first breid it!”
Ay offerring þat vndoche fra ane to ane vþer:
quhair that serpent [had] sowkit, sair wes to sched it.
bot belyve it began to bwkill the brother.
In þe bark of ane bowrtrie, quhyllumis they bed it.
Thair taillis with the tounge of it, they lyk and ruther;
Sum fartand, sum flyrand, thair phisnomeis þi flyp;
Sum schevilland þair chaftis, and slavere chek[is];
sum luiking lyce in þe croun of it keikis;
sum in thair oxteris it cleikis,
Lyk a bagpype.
With mudgeounes, and murgeounis, and mowing þe bane,
They leit it, they lift it, they loif it, they lak it,
They graip it, they grip it; It greitis, they grane;
They bind it, they baw it, they bed it, they brat it.
It skitterit, it squeillit; they startit ilk ane,
quhill þe ky in the cuntrie startillit and chaisit,
quhilkis rairing ran rid wood, rowtand in a rane.
þe wild deir in thair den þe din hes displasit.
The cry wes [sa] vglie, of aipis, elfis, and owlis,
That geiss and geislingis cryis & craikis;
In dubbis dowkit duikis & draikis;
All folkis, for feir, þe feildis forsaikis;
And the toun tykis ȝowlis.


Sick ane mirthles music thess menstrallis did mak,
That cattell keist capriellis behind with þair heillis;
Bot littill tent to þe toune [þair time] leit þame tak,
Bot rameist ran reid-wood, and raveld þe reill[is].
fra þe cummeris thame knew, they come with a crak,
To coniure the vndoche, with clewis and creill[is];
All þe boundis þairabout grew bleknit & blak:
for the din of that daiblet raisit þe devillis.
To coniure with a clap, fra caves they came far;
And for godbarne gift they gave,
To teich that theif to steill & rave;
Bot ay þe langer þat it live,
The warld be þe war.
Finis quod alexr. Montgomerie contra Pollart.


Infernall, froward, fumus fureis fell!
Curst, crabit, cankert sclawe, comper to quell
Ȝon chairibald, ȝon cative execrabill.
provok my pen profundlie to distell
Sum dour dispyt, to daunt ȝon dewill in hell,
And dryve, with duill, to deid detestabill,
That mad, malitious, monstour miserabill;
Ane tyk tormentit, tratling out of Tun,
That rynis reid-wood, at ilk midis of þe moone.


Reveill ȝour rairing [rage] and eger Ire,
Inflamit with fairfull thundring thudis of fyre
To plaig the poisonit pykthank pestalent.
with fleing fyreflauchis burning bricht and schyre,
Devoir ȝon devillish dragone, I desyre;
And waist his wareit venym violent.
Coniure þis beistlie begger impotent:
Suppres all power of king pluttois sprit,
That byddis and barkis in him als blak as Iet.
Bot, reikis rewkis and rewinis, ere ȝe ryve him,
desist, delay his death, quhill I discryve him;
Syne ryplie to his rude raving reply.
To doolfull dollour derflie, or ȝe dryve him,
Throw plutois power, all pleassur I depryve him;
The loun man lik his womeit, and deny
His schameles sawis, lyk sathanis slavish smy,
Quhais maneris, with his mismaid memberis heir,
Dois correspond, as planelie dois appeir.
His peild pallat, and vnpleasant pow,
The fowsome flokis of flaeis dois overflow,
with vamis and wondis; all bleknit full of blainis
Out our þe nek; athort his nittie now
Ilk lowsie lyce lurkand lyk ane lint bow,
His hairie hair, and bruisit, birny branis
weill baillit, þe bluid evanischit from his wanis;
with scoiris and crakis athort his froisnit front,
In runkillis run ruwth in þe stewis brunt.
His luggis baith lang and lasie quha can bot lak,
That to þe trone he can so mony tak?
with blastit bowellis, boldin with bristin baill,
and streichlie hairis blavin widdersins abauk.


for fundrit beistis, for fault of humour wak,
Hes not þair hairis so sned as totheris gude.
The blairit buk and bystour, to conclude,
Hes richt trim teith, sum quhat sett on ane thraw,
Ane toppit turde richt tewchlie for to taw.
With laidlie lippis, and lynning-syd turnd out;
His noiss weill lit in bacchus blude about;
his stinkand end corroptit as men knawis;
Contageous cankerss clairis his sneivilling snowt;
his schewin schoulderis schawis þe merkis, but dout,
of tarledderis tewch, tyris and vþer tawis,
and girdis of gaylayis, growand new in gawis.
Swa all his fowsome forme thair[to] effeiris,
quhair with, for filth, I will not fyll ȝour earis.
Bot of his conditionis to carp for a quhyll,
and compt ȝow his qualiteis compassit with cair,
appardoun me, poettis, to alter my styil,
And wissel my werss, for fylling þe air.
Returning directlie agane to Argyle,
Quhair last þat I left him baith bairfute & bair,
Quhen richtlie I raknit thy race verie vyld,
Discendit of a dewill, as I did declair—
Bot quhilk of þe godis sall gyde me aricht,
Abhorring sa abhominabill,
Sua doolfull and detaistabill,
sua knavishe, canker[d], execrabill,
And vareit ane wicht?


In Argyle, with þe gate, he ȝeid amange glennis,
Ay vsing þe office þair of a beist,
Quhill blistles wes banisit for handling þe hennis;
Syne fordward to flanderis fast fleid or he ceist.
from þe poore anis þe pultrie he plukit be þe pennis,
Incressing In corpis; þe hart in his breist,
And Curage, inclynit to knaverie, men kennis,
To pestilent purpoisss planelie he preist.
Bot trewlie, to tell þe trewth vnto ȝow,
In nawayis wes he wyse;
He vsis cairtis and dyce,
And fled na kynd of vyce,
Or few, as I trow.
He was ane fals schismatik, notor[ious]lie namit;
Baith hurdome, & homeceid, vnsell he vsit;
for schismes, and Symonie, þat smachart wes schameit;
Pryde, Ire, and Invy, that vndoche abvsit.
Of caching, and coweitting, bitterlie blameit;
for baidrie, and bordaling, lukles he lufit;
[Thrist], drynes, and drinking, that devill defamit;
fals, fenȝeit, and flytting with [flaterie] infusit;
Maist sinfull and sensuall—schame to reherss!
Quhais feckles fuilichnes,
And beistlie brukilnes,
Can na man, I ges,
weill put in verss.
Ane vairloche, ane woirwolf, ane wowbat of hair,
Ane devill, and ane dragoun, ane doyld dromodarie;
Ane counterfute cuistroun that clerkis dois not cair;
Ane claverand cohubie that crakis of þe farie;
Quhois favourles phisnome dois dewlie declair
His vyces and viceousnes. thocht I wald warie,


Arcandam astrologia, a lanterne of lair,
Affirmis his bleiritnes, to wisdome contrair,
betaikning bothe bobbing and beldnes in aig,
Greit fraud, and fals dissait,
Capping with coyd conceat;
witnesss sum verss he wreit,
Half in a rage.
Ane Anagrame, also, concerning that race,
Suirlie sayis, it is a signe of a licherous lowne.
His pailnes mixt pairtlie with broun in the face,
Arcandam ascryvis to baibling ay boun,
And tratling Intemperat, tymeles but place;
Ane cowart, ȝit cholerik, and drunk in ilk toune.
And als his asss earis, an signe in schort space,
That frenatik fuil sall grow mad lyk mahoun,
Bot ȝit sall he live lang, allace, quhilk wer loss;
for sick ane traitling tratour,
And baibling blasphimatour,
wes nevir formit of natour—
Sua gukit ane guise.
Quhois honorabill origine, þe note of his name,
Callit etimoligie, beiris richtlie record:
His surname, it flowis fra tua termes of defame—
from mont & gomorath, quhair dewillis, be þe lord,
His kynsmen, wes clenelie cast out, to his schame,
That is of þair clan, quhome chryst hes abhord;
and beiris of þe birth place þe horribill name,
Quhair sodomeit synneris with smwik wer smord.
Now sen all is suth is said sonȝie,
Vnto þe cappit clerk,
A prettie peice of wark,
That bitterlie dois bark,
I mak þis reply.