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The Promine.

The Promine.

On the xij. day at fiue houris before none 1500 seuentie nyne in Iune.
Goldin Titan with burning bemis bricht,
Be kindlie cours an[d] reuolutioun,
Appeirandlie to the Astrologues sicht,
Was in the first-degre of Cancer wone;
Or neir hand by, in his Ecliptyk rone,


Against the force quhilk daylie had him rent,
Be the first Mobillis weltering violent.
Sa in his Solstice glemand gloriouslie,
Throw nature of his proper motioun,
That Pompous Planeit, placit properlie
In that North Signe, of richt ascensioun,
Quhair Juppiter hes exaltatioun,
Did with his bemis on bankis and brayis beit,
The frutes to foster with his hailsum heit.
And flowand Phæbe, Lady of the seyis,
Not retrograd, reuoluing in hir ring,
Beheld the west with fixit face and eyis
In Joyfull June, quhen the xij. day did spring
Befoir the furthcome of that cumlie King:
Quhilk as the Sone out of the cloudes gray
Fra Snawdoun Castell did discend that day,
With manlike maneris, maikles to behald,
With Princelie port and visage glorious,
With gentill gesture, wordis wise and cald,
In taikning of the maist victtorious,
Richt gaylie garnist with giftis gracious,
Quhais heuinlie hauingis stonischit the Air,
As efterward I purpois to declair.
At his first furthcome on the Gowane hillis,
To write how euerie circumstance befell,
Quhat beir began of Hagbutis, bowis, and Billis,
Quhat din of daggis, with clink of mony bell
At Falcounis fair, war tedious to tell:
For to be schort, I schaw not how the steidis
On bridillis bait, quhil famie mouthis bleidis.


ȝit wald my Muse Inspire me with the spreit
Of Poetrie, and pairt of Eloquence,
To schaw the maner, I esteme it meit,
How euerie thing maid haill obedience
Unto his Royal hie Magnificence,
Reiosit swa, with suddand semelie sicht
Of that leidsterne and luifsum lamp of licht.
His Princelie presence superexcellent,
As lemand Lanterne maist delectabill,
Did euerie leuing creature content;
And to thingis senceles semit amiabill,
Quhais Celsitude was sa acceptabill,
That in their kind Ilk thing did obseruance,
His heich honour and worschip to auance.
I mene not onlie thingis Inferiall,
That subiect ar unto corruptioun;
Bot also celeste and Superiall,
Quhais substance is but alteratioun;
As fair Phebus, or utherwayis the Sone,
Quhilk is composit of na Element,
That day brak up in his bricht birneist Tent.
And schew his radious visage rubicound,
Quhilk all the day lay hid unto the howr,
That his grace Ischit furth upon the ground;
Thairefter did on eirth his presence powr,
Excluding than all signes of the schowr,
Sa glaid he was to se his gudlie grace,
And [OMITTED]the phisiome of his face.
Sine in the praises of that Prince preclair
Spred furth his Purpour springis aureat,
Into sic sort to purifie the Air,


Quhill all the skyis skaillit violat;
The Hemispheir become Illuminat
Upon the eirth, be heuinlie Influence,
Distelland dewis on vapouris sweit as sence.
The ground ouirgiltand all with goldin glemis,
Quhill throw his michtie operatiounis,
Furth of fresche fludes, bet with buriall bemis,
Rais sappie subtil exhalatiounis,
Quhais potent pithie Inspiratiounis
Makis treis, frutis, and flouris for to spreid,
Nicelie enamaling mony mirthfull meid.
Thā fair dame Flora glaiding gardings gay,
Syilit with schaddow of the blumand bewis,
Hir minglit Mantill meiklie did display;
Richt curiouslie, ouircleithand all the clewis,
With flouris of ane hundreth heuinlie hewis,
Quhair besilie the bummand honie Beis,
Tuik nurischement on natures tapestreis.
Thair micht be sene the dewie perllis round,
Reuest the Rosis, and the Lilleis quhite;
Into dulce humouris herbis did abound
Bathing the bony Daseis of delite:
With ane sweit liquour on the leiffis lite,
Comforting all the fragrant freklit flouris
That spreidis in Maii, throw hailsum balmis schouris.
Obedientlie begouth than to unfald
The beiraris bricht, thair flouris to his eis,
Quhen thay his potent presence did behald,
Sa tender twistis trimling on the treis,
His prudent hie precellence for to pleis.
Thair Cristall croppis me thocht thay did Incline
In signe of homage to that Prince deuine.


Into the Park did properlie appeir,
Richt trimlie trottand into trowpis and twais,
The wilde quhite cullourit Ky and falow deir,
With brawland bowkis, bendand ouir the brais,
The flingand Fownis, followand dune dais;
Sa curage causit beistis mak besines
His Maiestie muifand to merines.
Bot to behald it was ane perfite Joy,
And as ane eirdlie plesand Paradice:
To heir and se, thair at the Kingis conuoy,
The Merle and Maweis, chāgeing notes nice;
The Kiddis skippand, with Rais throw the rice,
Quhair birdis blyithlie on the branches sang,
With sic ane reird, quhill all the Rokkis rang.
Swa schortlie throw sic heuinlie harmoneis,
Become richt coy, heiring the fowlis sing,
Baith Eolus, and Neptune God of seis,
Behalding fast the cumming of that King;
Quhilk was sa welcum unto euerie thing;
Quhat misteris mair, the Goldspinkis was sa glaid,
Cald thai haif spokin, doutles thai had said:
Welcum, maist maikles Mirrour and A per se,
Wish euerie princelie prerogatiue possest;
Welcum worschip, vertew, and honestie;
Welcum in warld the wise and worthiest;
Welcum blist birth, as bountifull and best;
Welcum but peir, the maist Imperiall King
That is, or was, or in the warld sall ring.
Thow Salomon secund in sapience,
Ane Job in Justice, Jonit with pietie,
Perfitelie pleneist with all abstinence,


Discreitlie mixt with Magnanimitie,
Meik, mercifull, kind but Inconstancie,
To all gude men luifing and liberall:
In the thair wantis na wit Heroicall.
Thy liuelie licht, o leidar Laureat!
All Christiane men may cleirlie knaw and se,
Dois glance as gyde, lyifis to Illuminat,
Instructing Kingis, and thair Nobilitie,
Be gude exampill, for to follow the,
As worthiest, but feinȝe to confes,
Next under God the hall eirth to posses.
Thow onlie may be callit verteous,
In quhome na vertew is deficient:
Indewit with the giftis plenteous
Of bodie, mind, and fortoun, to the lent;
Thairfoir ȝe Knichtis and Clerkis with ane cōsent,
And pynit pure men, from all panis relaxt
Salute ȝour Souerane, sweit King James the saxt.
For vicious folk, with filthie faultis defylit,
Into his Court sall haue na praise nor place.
And gredie godles men sall be begylit,
Gif thay presume for to obtene his grace.
All fenȝeit flatteraris sall ay fle his face;
And as the snaw meltis from the Sone away,
Sa from his sicht the wickit sall decay.
Quhairfoir now, Scotland, sing with ane accord
Baith greit and small, of Ilk stait and degre,
Perpetuall praise and thankis to the Lord,
That hes ȝow geuin sa gude ane King as he:
ȝow to mantene in eis and Equitie.
Wald God his dayis for euer might Indure,
Swa of all seill but sorrow war ȝe sure.


God grant his grace the Euerlasting gloir,
Long life, gude helth, praise and prosperitie:
Baith worschip, welth, and weilfair euermoir,
And of his fois the vailȝeand victorie;
With heuinlie, eirthlie, full felicitie:
And that in him (God) be ay glorifeit,
Luifit, honourd, feird, and euer sanctifeit.