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Britain's Remembrancer

Containing A Narration of the Plagve lately past; A Declaration of the Mischiefs present; And a Prediction of Ivdgments to come; (If Repentance prevent not.) It is Dedicated (for the glory of God) to Posteritie; and, to These Times (if they please) by Geo: Wither

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The meaning of the Title page.

Behold; and marke; and mind, ye British Nations,
This dreadfull Vision of my Contemplations.
Before the Throne of Heav'n, J saw, me thought,
This famous Island into question brought.
With better eares then those my Body beare,
I heard impartiall IVSTICE to declare
God's Benefits, our Thanklesnesse, and what
Small heed, his Love, or Iudgements here begat,
I view'd eternall MERCIE, how she strove
God's just deserved Vengeance to remove.
But, so encreast our Sinnes, and cry'd so loud,
That, at the last, I saw a dismall Cloud
Exceeding blacke, as from the Sea ascending,
And over all this Isle it selfe extending:
With such thicke foggie Vapours, that their steames
Seem'd, for a while, to darken MERCIES beames.
Within this fearfull Cloud, I did behold
All Plagues and Punishments, that name I could.
And with a trembling heart, I fear'd each houre,
God would this Tempest on this Island poure.
Yet, better hopes appear'd: for, loe, the Rayes
Of MERCY pierc'd this Cloud, & made such waies
Quite through those Exhalations, that mine eye
Did this Inscription, thereupon espie;
Britaines Remembrancer: &, somewhat said,
These words (me thought) The Storme is, yet, delaid,
And if ye doe not penitence defer,
But, if ye still affect impiety,
Expect, e're long, what this may signifie.
This having heard and seene, J thought, nor fit
Nor safe it were, for me to smother it:
And, therefore, both to others eyes, and eares,
Have offred, here, what unto mine appeares.
Iudge as ye please, ye Readers, this, or me:
Truth will be Truth, how e're it censur'd be,
Geo: Wither.