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The Fovntaine of Fame. Erected in an Orcharde of Amorous Aduentures. Containing A Delicate Disputation, gallantly discoursed between two noble Gentlemen of Italye. Giuen for a freendly entertainment to Euphues, at his late ariuall into England. By A. M. [i.e. Anthony Munday]

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Astræpho and Zelauto goeth to dinner, and their talke after they had vvell refreshed themselues.


[We ought to haue great respect]

We ought to haue great respect,

Cicero in partitionibus Orat.

least that the hydden vice:
That dooth vppon the vertues tende,
dooth slylie vs intyce.

The elder Cato also vppon this sayth.

Cato Senior.

By two thinges I encrease my wealth,
by tylling of my ground:
The other by good husbandrie,
that I therein haue found.
For why, the one aboundaunce bringes,
as much as heart can chuse:
The other dooth me wisely teach,
howe I the same should vse.


[These gay and gorgious buyldings heere]

These gay and gorgious buyldings heere,

An excellent priuie nyp giuen vnto Lucullus.

be set with Stories braue:

And open windowes, that the ayre,
free entraunce in may haue.
For Summer they delightfull are,
and gallant to beholde:
But when that Hiems dooth approche,
her blastes wyll make you colde.