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[A sweet Nosgay, Or pleasant Posye

contayning a hundred and ten Phylosophicall Flowers] [by Isabella Whitney]

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T. B. in commendation of the Authour.

Marching among the woods of fine delighte
VVhere as the Laurell branch doth bring increase
Seelde, of Ladies fresh, a solem sight:
I viewd, whose walkes betokened all their ease:
And bow in friendly wise, it did them please:
VVhiles some did twist the Silke of liuely hewe
Some others slipt the Braunch for prayses dew.
Nor musing did not rest, nor scorne my sight,
nor prest in haste to breake their silence I
But as at first, they held their whole delight:
and casting mirth, said Friend that passest by:
did neuer wrethes of loue thee binde perdy
As thus: who framde her Plot in Garland wise
So orderly, as best she might deuise.

Not yet (quoth I,) but you might force the same
whose face doth staine the colour red as Rose:
No VIRGILL this, nor OVID eke may blam,
For Beautie pressing as the Cunduit floes,
Was cause that PARIS greatest loue arose:
who lou'd before, though neuer touched soe,
As OVID showes, with many writers moe.
But Ladies sure, my loue consistes in this
my whole delight, and pleasure all I take
To decke the wight, that worthie praises is:
and sure my great good wyll must neuer slake
From VVHITNEY: loe, herein some partie take
For in her workeis plainly to be seène,
why Ladies place in Garlands Laurell greene.
She flattering Fate too much, nor skies doth trust:
suche labor lîeth finisht with the lyfe:
She neuer did accompt Dame Fortune iust,
that tosseth vs with toyes and plunges rife:
But her defieth, as Auctor of her stryfe:
She doth not write the brute or force in Armes,
Nor pleasure takes, to sing of others harmes,
But mustred hath, and wrapped in a packe
a heape of Flowers of Philosophie:
No braunche of perfect wisdome here doth lacke,
But that the brused mynde, refresht may bee,

And that it is no fable, you shall see:
For here at large the sequell will declare
To Cuntrey warde, her loue and friendly care.
The smelling Flowers of an Arbor sweete,
An Orcharde pickt presented is to thee:
And for her seconde worke, she thought it meete,
sithe Maides with loftie stile may not agree:
In hoape hereby, somthynge to pleasure thee,
And when her busie care from head shall lurke,
She practize will, and promise longer worke.
Now happie Dames, if good deserueth well,
her praise for Flowers philosophicall:
And let your Branches twyned that excell
her head adorne: wherin she floorish shall:
And BERRIE so, resles alwaies at your call,
The purple blew, the red, the white I haue,
To wrappe amyd your Garlands fresh & braue.