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At matyne houre, in middis of þe nicht,
Walknit of sleip, I saw besyd me sone
Ane aigit man, semit sextie ȝeiris of sicht,
Þis sentence sett, and sang it in gud tone:
“Omnipotent and eterne God in throne!
To be content and lufe þe I haif causs
Þat my licht ȝowþ-heid is ourpassit and done:
Honor wiþ aige to every vertew drawis.”


Grene ȝowþ! to aige þow mon obey and bow,
Þy foly lustis lestis skant ane May;
Þat þan wes witt, is naturall foly now,
As warldly honor, riches, or fresche array.
Deffy þe devill, dreid God and domisday.
For all sall be accusit, as þow knawis;
Blissit be God, my ȝuthheid is away:
Honor with aige to every vertew drawis.



O bittir ȝowth, þat semis so delicious!
O swetest aige, þat sumtyme semit soure!
O rekless ȝowth, hie, hait, and vicious!
O halie aige, fullfillit with honoure!
O frawart ȝowthe, fruitless and fedand flour,
Contrair to conscience, laith to God and lawis,
Off all vane gloir the lamp and the mirrour!
Honor with aige to every vertew drawis.


Þis warld is sett for to dissaive wss evin,
Pryde is þe nett, and covetece is þe trane;
For na reward, except þe joy of hevin,
Wald I be ȝung into þis warld agane.
Þe schip of faiþ tempestous wind and rane
Dryvis in þe see of Lollerdry þat blawis;
My ȝowþ is gane, and I am glaid and fane:
Honor wiþ aige to every vertew drawis.



Law, luve, and lawtie, gravin law þay ly;
Dissimvlance hes borrowit conscience clayis;
Aithis, writt, walx, nor seilis ar nocht set by;
Flattery is fosterit baith with freindis and fayis.
Þe sone, to bruike it þat his fader hais,
Wald se him deid; Saþanas sic seid sawis.
Youþheid, adew, ane of my mortall fais:
Honour wiþ aige to every vertew drawis.
Q. Kennedy.