University of Virginia Library

[Take heede, my Muse, what? patroniz'd by none?]

Take heede, my Muse, what? patroniz'd by none?
Oben't o're bold; can infants stand alone?
Make haste unto some sheltring place, or now
Invoke the favour of some smiling brow,
Stirre not abroad, unlesse some gracious eye
Take pitty on thee in thy infancy.
Rather become a silvan Muse, and then
Involue thy selfe into some private den,
Such times as these are not for vulgar notes,
Brought through a rusticke pipe, but quainter throtes,
Riper inventions, and the nimblest wits,
Ingenious faneies, such, these times befits,
Dar'st thou to stirre abroad, upheld by none?
Goe, goe and prattle at thy Helicon,
Endeavour for to get Apolloes bayes,
Tip thou thy rusticke tongue with silver Phrase,
Ripen thy shallow braine, then crouch and sing
Vnder the shaddow of some sheltring wing,
Draw neere, but softly speake, but not to loud,
Get some protection else I often voude
Ever to keepe thee in eternall night