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The Golden Fleece

Whereto bee annexed two Elegies, Entitled Narcissvs Change. And Aesons Dotage. By Richard Brathvvayte

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Qvarvm Ope Ægon In triviis, Ædon in nemoribus cecinit. Quarum auspicijs riuos saltim apertos degustare licuit, tenuisq; stipulæ libertate frui.

You sacred Muses by whose diuine skill,
Each Poet in his rank obserues his measure,
Direct the progresse of Menalchas quill,
Enrich his labour with your heauenly treasure.
And so vouchsafe to fauour his poore verse,
That some may daigne his poems to rehearse.
Well doe I know so many rurall swaines,
Seeke to deuote their labours to your shrine,
That they offend you with their fruitlesse paines,
Since in harsh straines their labours they confine.
Yet pittie them and me, whose barraine wit,
Will moue you in remorce to pittie it.

And yet when I consider worthlesse men,
Such as Afranius, Bardus, and the rest,
Then with a cheerefull countenance doe I pen,

Nec rege poemata digna, nec regum sociis.

Since many illes doe counterpoise the best.

For sure I am with Bardus I can sing,
Though not a matter worthie of a king.
Affranius, he will wearie Traians eares,
With rude impolisht, tunelesse harmonie,
He is impudent, Affranius, nothing feares,
His Oaten pipe delights his Maiestie.
But I esteeme of such as little worth,
Their works be correspondent to their birth.

As is recorded in his life.

For as Affranius was of meane estate,

raisde from declining fortunes low descent,
So his immodest vaine engendreth hate,
Since his sharpe poems with his ayle be spent.
His works confusde, his harsh vnseasoned stile,
Doe ill beseeme the Sybils of our Ile.
Such works I scorne to pen, as may detract
From the respect of any meane estate,
I hate that Aspes that is of splene compact,
The furies brands which vaunt of nought but hate.
Æmulate vertuous men, for vertues sake,
Is a good hatred, so Ile alwaies hate:

But to contemne the meane degrees of men,
Or to enuie sailes of prosperitie,
Nere shall my Muse ensource her odious pen,
Furnisht with nought but rags of enmitie.
I smile when others smile, when others weepe,
I plunge my selfe into like sorrowes deepe.