University of Virginia Library

Psal. 2. Quare fremuerunt?


Why doe the Heathen-pow'rs,
and people entertaine;
The Heathens, such tumultuous rage,
the people, plots so vaine?


Kings of the earth conspire,
and Princes counsell take
Against the Lord, against his Christ,
a powerfull head to make.


In sunder let us breake
their servile bands (say they)
Their yoke from off our neckes discharge,
and cast their cords away.


But Hee, in Heaven above
that sits, and sees their pride,
Shall laugh their vanities to scorne,
the Lord shall them deride.


To them then shall he speake,
in his resistlesse ire;
And their affrighted soules shall feele
his furie burne like fire.


Yet, mine Annointed King
upon mine holy Hill,
Upon Mount Zion have I set.
I shall declare the will,


Of which Decree the Lord
hath given the charge to mee:


And said, Thou art my Sonne, this day
have I begotten Thee.


Aske, I to thee will give
the Heathens world of ground
For thine inheritance, possesse
as farre as earth hath bound.


Thou with an iron rod
shalt stripe their stubborne hides;
Or, like a Potters brittle shards,
in pieces dash their sides.


Now then, O Kings, be wise,
and ye that judge the Land,
Be well instructed what ye judge,
judge what ye understand.


Serve ye the Lord in feare,
in feare and joy betwixt;
A joyfull feare, a trembling joy,
delight and dutie mixt.


Embrace and kisse the Sonne,
lest through your cold delay,
His wroth contemning your contempt,
ye perish in the way.
If but a little while
his anger'd patience burne;
For safety they that hope in Him,
have all a happy turne.