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The pityfull Historie of two Louing Italians, Gaulfrido and Barnardo le vayne

which ariued in the countrey of Grece, in the time of the noble Emperoure Vaspasian. And Translated out of Italian into Englishe meeter by John Drout

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T. F. To the Reader.

Although cōmonly al men couet newes,
As wel the lerned, as the vulgar train:
Yet diuers things the common sort refuse,
Which to vnderstand they cannot attayne.
They therefore which in suche case shewe their zeale,
Declare their good wil to their natiue soile,
Such strange Histories to reueale,
Nothing regarding their labor and toyle.
This translator therfore of mere good will,
According as the Historie dooth moue,
To good effect hath shewed his learnde skil,
Declaring ensample of stedfast loue:
Wherby we may discerne as in a glasse,
That loue vnfayned can not be broken:
As in these two louers it came to passe,
Whose deedes portende an euident token:
The like in our age seldome seene or found,
The more of all men to be lamented,
Which desire yt true loue might so abound,
That vile flatterie might be preuented.
quoth T. F.