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The Shorter Poems of Ralph Knevet

A Critical Edition by Amy M. Charles

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[3] To his friend the Author.
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[3] To his friend the Author.

Because th' are few that doe things worthy praise,
Free truth is counted flatterie now a daies:
And though it be our common Poets shame,
Truth cries thy Muse not guiltie of that blame.
Thou Orpheus-like our Heroes dost incite
To warlike gests, and Mirmidons to fight.
Such successe wish I, that this Booke may be
As free from Envie, as from flatterie.
The most indulgent thought my Pen drops forth
I dare not thinke can adde unto the worth
Of this rare piece; which shall (where it doth come)
Strike Envie blind, and base detractors dumbe.
And so I wish all cankerd spight may die,
Dispis'd, condem'd by noble industrie.
And though th' ast those which this taske better fit
From me much love expect, from them much wit.