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Pleasure And Payne, Heauen and Hell

Remembre these foure, and all shall be well. Compyled by Roberte Crowley

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The boke to the Christian Readars

The boke to the Christian Readars

My brother (the trūpet)
dyd warne you before
That al mē shuld walk
in their callynge vpryght
Directyng their wayes
by gooddis holy lore
knowyng that thei be always
in the lordis syght
Whoe seeth in the darcke
as well as in lyght.
He hath cryed vnto you
all this last yere
And yet non emendment
doeth in you appeare.
In dede, very many
do him entertayne
Lyke as there were none
more welcome then he
Yet I thyncke they do
his warnynge dysdayne
Because he doeth tell them

what is theyr duetie
For he is very playne
Wyth euery degre
The rych and the myghtie
he doeth nothyng feare
No more doeth he wyth
the pore mans falte beare
It pleased my father
to sende him before
That he myght make redy
and prepare his waye
By causeynge all men
to walke in his lore
That haue in tymes passed
wandred astraye
Leste payne be theyr portion
at the laste daye
And nowe hath he sent me
that they maye se
As it were in a glasse
what theyr rewarde shalbe
I am the rewarde
that al men shall haue
For the iuste shall haue plesure
and the wicked panye

When euery mā shal aryse
oute of his graue
And haue the spryte knyt
to the body agayne
In heauen or in hell
they shall styll remayne
Or blysse or of payne
they shall haue theyr fyll
The good sorte In heauen
and in hell the Ill
Beholde me therfore
wyth a gostly eie
And let me not from
your presence departe
For no doubt you wyll
all wyckednes defye
So longe as I shall
remayne in your herte
I shal cause you from
wyckednes to conuert
So that in the ende
you shalbe ryght sure
To lyue wyth my father
in ioye and pleasure.