University of Virginia Library

[As a false Louer that thicke snares hath laied]

As a false Louer that thicke snares hath laied,
T'intrap the honour of a faire yoong maid,
When she (though little) listning eare affoords
To his sweet, courting, deepe affected words,
Feeles some asswaging of his freezing flame,
And sooths himselfe with hope to gain his game,
And rapt with ioy, vpon this point persists,
That parleing citie neuer long resists:
Euen so the serpent that doth counterfet
A guilefull call t'allure vs to his net,
Perceiuing vs his flattering gloze disgest,
He prosecutes, and iocund doth not rest,
Till he haue tri'd foot, hand, and head, and all,
Vpon the breach of this new battered wall.