University of Virginia Library

[Reade with regarde, what here with due regarde]

Reade with regarde, what here with due regarde,
Our second Ciceronian Southwell sent,
By whose perswasiue pithy argument,
Ech well disposed eie may be preparde,
Respectiuely their griefe for friends decease
To moderate without all vaine excesse.
Sith then the worke is worthie of your view,
Obtract not him which for your good it pend:
Vnkinde you are if you it reprehend,
That for your profit is presented you,
He pend, I publish this to pleasure all,
Esteeme of both then as we merite shall:
Wey his workes woorth, accept of my goodwill,
Else is his labour lost, mine crost, both to no end:
Lest then you ill deserue what both intend,
Let my goodwill all small defects fulfill:
He here his talent trebled doth present,
I, my poore mite, yet both with good intent,
Then take them kindly both, as we them ment.
Iohn Trussell.