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To his deare friend Maister John Norden vpon his Labyrinth of Mans life. R. N.


Not Egipts old laborious Labyrint,
Turning, returning, winding in and out,
Which whosoeuer once did enter in't
Euer to issue stood in deepest doubt,
Nor the Dedalion Labyrinth of Crete
Wherein King Minos shut, the Minotaure,
Nor which Porsenna' in Italy did complete,
Nor that in Lemnos Isle, of stone hew'd square,
Nor which King Henry-fitz Empresse did found
At Woodstock, for his beautious Concubine,
That famous and renowned Rosamond,
Can be compard with this worke so diuine,
That Norden here (with his Practise pensife)
Reueales in this his Labyrinth of mans life.
Non luco, subter Rosis.