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[I. Adventure most unto itself]

Adventure most unto itself
The Soul condemned to be;
Attended by a Single Hound—
Its own Identity.


[II. The Soul that hath a Guest]

The Soul that hath a Guest,
Doth seldom go abroad,
Diviner Crowd at home
Obliterate the need,
And courtesy forbid
A Host's departure, when
Upon Himself be visiting
The Emperor of Men!


[III. Except the smaller size, no Lives are round]

Except the smaller size, no Lives are round,
These hurry to a sphere, and show, and end.
The larger, slower grow, and later hang—
The Summers of Hesperides are long.


[IV. Fame is a fickle food]

Fame is a fickle food
Upon a shifting plate,
Whose table once a Guest, but not
The second time, is set.
Whose crumbs the crows inspect,
And with ironic caw
Flap past it to the Farmer's corn;
Men eat of it and die.


[V. The right to perish might be thought]

The right to perish might be thought
An undisputed right,
Attempt it, and the Universe upon the opposite
Will concentrate its officers—
You cannot even die,
But Nature and Mankind must pause
To pay you scrutiny.


[VI. Peril as a possession]

Peril as a possession
'Tis good to bear,
Danger disintegrates satiety;
There's Basis there
Begets an awe,
That searches Human Nature's creases
As clean as Fire.


[VII. When Etna basks and purrs]

When Etna basks and purrs,
Naples is more afraid
Than when she shows her Garnet Tooth;
Security is loud.


[VIII. Reverse cannot befall that fine Prosperity]

Reverse cannot befall that fine Prosperity
Whose sources are interior.
As soon Adversity
A diamond overtake,
In far Bolivian ground;
Misfortune hath no implement
Could mar it, if it found.


[IX. To be alive is power]

To be alive is power,
Existence in itself,
Without a further function,
Omnipotence enough.
To be alive and Will—
'Tis able as a God!
The Further of ourselves be what—
Such being Finitude?


[X. Witchcraft has not a pedigree]

Witchcraft has not a pedigree,
'Tis early as our breath,
And mourners meet it going out
The moment of our death.


[XI. Exhilaration is the Breeze]

Exhilaration is the Breeze
That lifts us from the ground,
And leaves us in another place
Whose statement is not found;
Returns us not, but after time
We soberly descend,
A little newer for the term
Upon enchanted ground.


[XII. No romance sold unto]

No romance sold unto,
Could so enthrall a man
As the perusal of
His individual one.
'Tis fiction's, to dilute
To plausibility
Our novel, when 'tis small enough
To credit,—'tis n't true!


[XIII. If what we could were what we would]

If what we could were what we would—
Criterion be small;
It is the Ultimate of talk
The impotence to tell.


[XIV. Perception of an Object costs]

Perception of an Object costs
Precise the Object's loss.
Perception in itself a gain
Replying to its price;
The Object Absolute is nought,
Perception sets it fair,
And then upbraids a Perfectness
That situates so far.


[XV. No other can reduce]

No other can reduce
Our mortal consequence,
Like the remembering it be nought
A period from hence.
But contemplation for
Contemporaneous nought
Our single competition;
Jehovah's estimate.


[XVI. The blunder is to estimate]

The blunder is to estimate,—
“Eternity is Then,”
We say, as of a station.
Meanwhile he is so near,
He joins me in my ramble,
Divides abode with me,
No friend have I that so persists
As this Eternity.


[XVII. My Wheel is in the dark]

My Wheel is in the dark,—
I cannot see a spoke,
Yet know its dripping feet
Go round and round.
My foot is on the tide—
An unfrequented road,
Yet have all roads
A “clearing” at the end.
Some have resigned the Loom,
Some in the busy tomb
Find quaint employ,
Some with new, stately feet
Pass royal through the gate,
Flinging the problem back at you and I.


[XVIII. There is another Loneliness]

There is another Loneliness
That many die without,
Not want or friend occasions it,
Or circumstances or lot.
But nature sometimes, sometimes thought,
And whoso it befall
Is richer than could be divulged
By mortal numeral.


[XIX. So gay a flower bereaved the mind]

So gay a flower bereaved the mind
As if it were a woe,
Is Beauty an affliction, then?
Tradition ought to know.


[XX. Glory is that bright tragic thing]

Glory is that bright tragic thing,
That for an instant
Means Dominion,
Warms some poor name
That never felt the sun,
Gently replacing
In oblivion.


[XXI. The missing All prevented me]

The missing All prevented me
From missing minor things.
If nothing larger than a World's
Departure from a hinge,
Or Sun's extinction be observed,
'Twas not so large that I
Could lift my forehead from my work
For curiosity.


[XXII. His mind, of man a secret makes]

His mind, of man a secret makes,
I meet him with a start,
He carries a circumference
In which I have no part,
Or even if I deem I do—
He otherwise may know.
Impregnable to inquest,
However neighborly.


[XXIII. The suburbs of a secret]

The suburbs of a secret
A strategist should keep,
Better than on a dream intrude
To scrutinize the sleep.


[XXIV. The difference between despair]

The difference between despair
And fear, is like the one
Between the instant of a wreck,
And when the wreck has been.
The mind is smooth,—no motion—
Contented as the eye
Upon the forehead of a Bust,
That knows it cannot see.


[XXV. There is a solitude of space]

There is a solitude of space,
A solitude of sea,
A solitude of death, but these
Society shall be,
Compared with that profounder site,
That polar privacy,
A Soul admitted to Itself:
Finite Infinity.


[XXVI. The props assist the house]

The props assist the house
Until the house is built,
And then the props withdraw—
And adequate, erect,
The house supports itself;
Ceasing to recollect
The auger and the carpenter.
Just such a retrospect
Hath the perfected life,
A past of plank and nail,
And slowness,—then the scaffolds drop—
Affirming it a soul.


[XXVII. The gleam of an heroic act]

The gleam of an heroic act,
Such strange illumination—
The Possible's slow fuse is lit
By the Imagination!


[XXVIII. Of Death the sharpest function]

Of Death the sharpest function,
That, just as we discern,
The Excellence defies us;
Securest gathered then
The fruit perverse to plucking,
But leaning to the sight
With the ecstatic limit
Of unobtained Delight.


[XXIX. Down Time's quaint stream]

Down Time's quaint stream
Without an oar,
We are enforced to sail,
Our Port—a secret—
Our Perchance—a gale.
What Skipper would
Incur the risk,
What Buccaneer would ride,
Without a surety from the wind
Or schedule of the tide?


[XXX. I bet with every Wind that blew, till Nature in chagrin]

I bet with every Wind that blew, till Nature in chagrin
Employed a Fact to visit me and scuttle my Balloon!


[XXXI. The Future never spoke]

The Future never spoke,
Nor will he, like the Dumb,
Reveal by sign or syllable
Of his profound To-come.
But when the news be ripe,
Presents it in the Act—
Forestalling preparation
Escape or substitute.
Indifferent to him
The Dower as the Doom,
His office but to execute
Fate's Telegram to him.


[XXXII. Two lengths has every day]

Two lengths has every day,
Its absolute extent—
And area superior
By hope or heaven lent.
Eternity will be
Velocity, or pause,
At fundamental signals
From fundamental laws.
To die, is not to go—
On doom's consummate chart
No territory new is staked,
Remain thou as thou art.


[XXXIII. The Soul's superior instants]

The Soul's superior instants
Occur to Her alone,
When friend and earth's occasion
Have infinite withdrawn.
Or she, Herself, ascended
To too remote a height,
For lower recognition
Than Her Omnipotent.
This mortal abolition
Is seldom, but as fair
As Apparition—subject
To autocratic air.
Eternity's disclosure
To favorites, a few,
Of the Colossal substance
Of immortality.


[XXXIV. Nature is what we see]

Nature is what we see,
The Hill, the Afternoon—
Squirrel, Eclipse, the Bumble-bee,
Nay—Nature is Heaven.
Nature is what we hear,
The Bobolink, the Sea—
Thunder, the Cricket—
Nay,—Nature is Harmony.
Nature is what we know
But have no art to say,
So impotent our wisdom is
To Her simplicity.


[XXXV. Ah, Teneriffe]

Ah, Teneriffe!
Retreating Mountain!
Purples of Ages pause for you,
Sunset reviews her Sapphire Regiment,
Day drops you her red Adieu!
Still, clad in your mail of ices,
Thigh of granite and thew of steel—
Heedless, alike, of pomp or parting,
Ah, Teneriffe!
I'm kneeling still.


[XXXVI. She died at play]

She died at play,
Gambolled away
Her lease of spotted hours,
Then sank as gaily as a Turk
Upon a couch of flowers.
Her ghost strolled softly o'er the hill
Yesterday and today,
Her vestments as the silver fleece,
Her countenance as spray.


[XXXVII. “Morning” means “Milking” to the Farmer]

Morning” means “Milking” to the Farmer,
Dawn to the Apennines—
Dice to the Maid.
“Morning” means just Chance to the Lover—
Just Revelation to the Beloved.
Epicures date a breakfast by it!
Heroes a battle,
The Miller a flood,
Faint-going eyes their lapse
From sighing,
Faith, the Experiment of our Lord!


[XXXVIII. A little madness in the Spring]

A little madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King,
But God be with the Clown,
Who ponders this tremendous scene—
This whole experiment of green,
As if it were his own!


[XXXIX. I can't tell you, but you feel it]

I can't tell you, but you feel it—
Nor can you tell me,
Saints with vanished slate and pencil
Solve our April day.
Sweeter than a vanished Frolic
From a vanished Green!
Swifter than the hoofs of Horsemen
Round a ledge of Dream!
Modest, let us walk among it,
With our “faces veiled,”
As they say polite Archangels
Do, in meeting God.
Not for me to prate about it,
Not for you to say
To some fashionable Lady—
“Charming April Day!”


Rather Heaven's “Peter Parley,”
By which, Children—slow—
To sublimer recitations
Are prepared to go!


[XL. Some Days retired from the rest]

Some Days retired from the rest
In soft distinction lie,
The Day that a companion came—
Or was obliged to die.


[XLI. Like Men and Women shadows walk]

Like Men and Women shadows walk
Upon the hills today,
With here and there a mighty bow,
Or trailing courtesy
To Neighbors, doubtless, of their own;
Not quickened to perceive
Minuter landscape, as Ourselves
And Boroughs where we live.


[XLII. The butterfly obtains]

The butterfly obtains
But little sympathy,
Though favorably mentioned
In Entomology.
Because he travels freely
And wears a proper coat,
The circumspect are certain
That he is dissolute.
Had he the homely scutcheon of modest Industry,
'Twere fitter certifying for Immortality.


[XLIII. Beauty crowds me till I die]

Beauty crowds me till I die,
Beauty, mercy have on me!
But if I expire today,
Let it be in sight of thee.


[XLIV. We spy the Forests and the Hills]

We spy the Forests and the Hills,
The tents to Nature's Show,
Mistake the outside for the in
And mention what we saw.
Could Commentators on the sign
Of Nature's Caravan
Obtain “admission,” as a child,
Some Wednesday afternoon?


[XLV. I never told the buried gold]

I never told the buried gold
Upon the hill that lies,
I saw the sun, his plunder done,
Crouch low to guard his prize.
He stood as near, as stood you here,
A pace had been between—
Did but a snake bisect the brake,
My life had forfeit been.
That was a wondrous booty,
I hope 'twas honest gained—
Those were the finest ingots
That ever kissed the spade.
Whether to keep the secret—
Whether to reveal—
Whether, while I ponder
Kidd may sudden sail—


Could a Shrewd advise me
We might e'en divide—
Should a Shrewd betray me—
“Atropos” decide!


[XLVI. The largest fire ever known]

The largest fire ever known
Occurs each afternoon,
Discovered is without surprise,
Proceeds without concern:
Consumes, and no report to men,
An Occidental town,
Rebuilt another morning
To be again burned down.


[XLVII. Bloom upon the Mountain, stated]

Bloom upon the Mountain, stated,
Blameless of a name.
Efflorescence of a Sunset—
Reproduced, the same.
Seed, had I, my purple sowing
Should endow the Day,
Not a tropic of the twilight
Show itself away.
Who for tilling, to the Mountain
Come, and disappear—
Whose be Her renown, or fading,
Witness, is not here.
While I state—the solemn petals
Far as North and East,
Far as South and West expanding,
Culminate in rest.


And the Mountain to the Evening
Fit His countenance,
Indicating by no muscle
The Experience.


[XLVIII. March is the month of expectation]

March is the month of expectation,
The things we do not know,
The Persons of prognostication
Are coming now.
We try to sham becoming firmness,
But pompous joy
Betrays us, as his first betrothal
Betrays a boy.


[XLIX. The Duties of the Wind are few]

The Duties of the Wind are few—
To cast the Ships at sea,
Establish March,
The Floods escort,
And usher Liberty.


[L. The Winds drew off]

The Winds drew off
Like hungry dogs
Defeated of a bone.
Through fissures in
Volcanic cloud
The yellow lightning shown.
The trees held up
Their mangled limbs
Like animals in pain,
When Nature falls
Upon herself,
Beware an Austrian!


[LI. I think that the root of the Wind is Water]

I think that the root of the Wind is Water,
It would not sound so deep
Were it a firmamental product,
Airs no Oceans keep—
Mediterranean intonations,
To a Current's ear
There is a maritime conviction
In the atmosphere.


[LII. So, from the mould]

So, from the mould,
Scarlet and gold
Many a Bulb will rise,
Hidden away cunningly
From sagacious eyes.
So, from cocoon
Many a Worm
Leap so Highland gay,
Peasants like me—
Peasants like thee,
Gaze perplexedly.


[LIII. The long sigh of the Frog]

The long sigh of the Frog
Upon a Summer's day,
Enacts intoxication
Upon the revery.
But his receding swell
Substantiates a peace,
That makes the ear inordinate
For corporal release.


[LIV. A cap of lead across the sky]

A cap of lead across the sky
Was tight and surly drawn,
We could not find the mighty Face,
The Figure was withdrawn.
A chill came up as from a shaft,
Our noon became a well,
A Thunder storm combines the charms
Of Winter and of Hell.


[LV. I send two Sunsets]

I send two Sunsets—
Day and I in competition ran,
I finished two, and several stars,
While He was making one.
His own is ampler—
But, as I was saying to a friend,
Mine is the more convenient
To carry in the hand.

[Sent with brilliant flowers.]


[LVI. Of this is Day composed]

Of this is Day composed—
A morning and a noon,
A Revelry unspeakable
And then a gay Unknown;
Whose Pomps allure and spurn—
And dower and deprive,
And penury for glory
Remedilessly leave.


[LVII. The Hills erect their purple heads]

The Hills erect their purple heads,
The Rivers lean to see—
Yet Man has not, of all the throng,
A curiosity.


[LVIII. Lightly stepped a yellow star]

Lightly stepped a yellow star
To its lofty place,
Loosed the Moon her silver hat
From her lustral face.
All of evening softly lit
As an astral hall—
“Father,” I observed to Heaven,
“You are punctual.”


[LIX. The Moon upon her fluent route]

The Moon upon her fluent route
Defiant of a road,
The stars Etruscan argument,
Substantiate a God.
If Aims impel these Astral Ones,
The Ones allowed to know,
Know that which makes them as forgot
As Dawn forgets them now.


[LX. Like some old fashioned miracle]

Like some old fashioned miracle
When Summertime is done,
Seems Summer's recollection
And the affairs of June.
As infinite tradition.
As Cinderella's bays,
Or little John of Lincoln Green,
Or Bluebeard's galleries.
Her Bees have a fictitious hum,
Her Blossoms, like a dream,
Elate—until we almost weep
So plausible they seem.
Her Memories like strains—review—
When Orchestra is dumb,
The Violin in baize replaced
And Ear and Heaven numb.


[LXI. Glowing is her Bonnet]

Glowing is her Bonnet,
Glowing is her Cheek,
Glowing is her Kirtle,
Yet she cannot speak!
Better, as the Daisy
From the Summer hill,
Vanish unrecorded,
Save by tearful Rill,
Save by loving Sunrise
Looking for her face
Save by feet unnumbered
Pausing at the place!


[LXII. Forever cherished be the tree]

Forever cherished be the tree,
Whose apple Winter warm,
Enticed to breakfast from the sky
Two Gabriels yestermorn;
They registered in Nature's book
As Robin—Sire and Son,
But angels have that modest way
To screen them from renown.


[LXIII. The Ones that disappeared are back]

The Ones that disappeared are back,
The Phoebe and the Crow,
Precisely as in March is heard
The curtness of the Jay—
Be this an Autumn or a Spring?
My wisdom loses way,
One side of me the nuts are ripe—
The other side is May.


[LXIV. Those final Creatures,—who they are]

Those final Creatures,—who they are—
That, faithful to the close,
Administer her ecstasy,
But just the Summer knows.


[LXV. Summer begins to have the look]

Summer begins to have the look,
Peruser of enchanting Book
Reluctantly, but sure, perceives—
A gain upon the backward leaves.
Autumn begins to be inferred
By millinery of the cloud,
Or deeper color in the shawl
That wraps the everlasting hill.
The eye begins its avarice,
A meditation chastens speech,
Some Dyer of a distant tree
Resumes his gaudy industry.
Conclusion is the course of all,
Almost to be perennial,
And then elude stability
Recalls to immortality


[LXVI. A prompt, executive Bird is the Jay]

A prompt, executive Bird is the Jay,
Bold as a Bailiff's hymn,
Brittle and brief in quality—
Warrant in every line;
Sitting a bough like a Brigadier,
Confident and straight,
Much is the mien
Of him in March
As a Magistrate.


[LXVII. Like brooms of steel]

Like brooms of steel
The Snow and Wind
Had swept the Winter Street,
The House was hooked,
The Sun sent out
Faint Deputies of heat—
Where rode the Bird
The Silence tied
His ample, plodding Steed,
The Apple in the cellar snug
Was all the one that played.


[LXVIII. These are the days that Reindeer love]

These are the days that Reindeer love
And pranks the Northern star,
This is the Sun's objective
And Finland of the year.


[LXIX. Follow wise Orion]

Follow wise Orion
Till you lose your eye,
Dazzlingly decamping
He is just as high.


[LXX. In Winter, in my room]

In Winter, in my room,
I came upon a worm,
Pink, lank, and warm.
But as he was a worm
And worms presume,
Not quite with him at home—
Secured him by a string
To something neighboring,
And went along.
A trifle afterward
A thing occurred,
I'd not believe it if I heard—
But state with creeping blood;
A snake, with mottles rare,
Surveyed my chamber floor,
In feature as the worm before,
But ringed with power.
The very string


With which I tied him, too,
When he was mean and new,
That string was there.
I shrank—“How fair you are!”
Propitiation's claw—
“Afraid,” he hissed,
“Of me?”
“No cordiality?”
He fathomed me.
Then, to a rhythm slim
Secreted in his form,
As patterns swim,
Projected him.
That time I flew,
Both eyes his way,
Lest he pursue—
Nor ever ceased to run,
Till, in a distant town,
Towns on from mine—
I sat me down;
This was a dream.


[LXXI. Not any sunny tone]

Not any sunny tone
From any fervent zone
Finds entrance there.
Better a grave of Balm
Toward human nature's home,
And Robins near,
Than a stupendous Tomb
Proclaiming to the gloom
How dead we are.


[LXXII. For Death,—or rather]

For Death,—or rather
For the things 'twill buy,
These put away
Life's opportunity.
The things that Death will buy
Are Room,—Escape
From Circumstances,
And a Name.
How gifts of Life
With Death's gifts will compare,
We know not—
For the rates stop Here.


[LXXIII. Dropped into the Ether Acre]

Dropped into the Ether Acre!
Wearing the sod gown—
Bonnet of Everlasting laces—
Brooch frozen on!
Horses of blonde—
And coach of silver,
Baggage a strapped Pearl!
Journey of Down
And whip of Diamond—
Riding to meet the Earl!


[LXXIV. This quiet Dust was Gentlemen and Ladies]

This quiet Dust was Gentlemen and Ladies,
And Lads and Girls;
Was laughter and ability and sighing,
And frocks and curls.
This passive place a Summer's nimble mansion,
Where Bloom and Bees
Fulfilled their Oriental Circuit,
Then ceased like these.


[LXXV. 'Twas comfort in her dying room]

'Twas comfort in her dying room
To hear the living clock,
A short relief to have the wind
Walk boldly up and knock,
Diversion from the dying theme
To hear the children play,
But wrong, the mere
That these could live,—
And This of ours must die!


[LXXVI. Too cold is this]

Too cold is this
To warm with sun,
Too stiff to bended be,
To joint this agate were a feat
Outstaring masonry.
How went the agile kernel out—
Contusion of the husk,
Nor rip, nor wrinkle indicate,—
But just an Asterisk.


[LXXVII. I watched her face to see which way]

I watched her face to see which way
She took the awful news,
Whether she died before she heard—
Or in protracted bruise
Remained a few short years with us,
Each heavier than the last—
A further afternoon to fail,
As Flower at fall of Frost.


[LXXVIII. Today or this noon]

Today or this noon
She dwelt so close,
I almost touched her;
Tonight she lies
Past neighborhood—
And bough and steeple—
Now past surmise.


[LXXIX. I see thee better in the dark]

I see thee better in the dark,
I do not need a light.
The love of thee a prism be
Excelling violet.
I see thee better for the years
That hunch themselves between,
The miner's lamp sufficient be
To nullify the mine.
And in the grave I see thee best—
Its little panels be
A-glow, all ruddy with the light
I held so high for thee!
What need of day to those whose dark
Hath so surpassing sun,
It seem it be continually
At the meridian?


[LXXX. Low at my problem bending]

Low at my problem bending,
Another problem comes,
Larger than mine, serener,
Involving statelier sums;
I check my busy pencil,
My ciphers slip away,
Wherefore, my baffled fingers,
Time Eternity?


[LXXXI. If pain for peace prepares]

If pain for peace prepares,
Lo the “Augustan” years
Our feet await!
If Springs from Winter rise,
Can the Anemone's
Be reckoned up?
If night stands first, then noon,
To gird us for the sun,
What gaze—
When, from a thousand skies,
On our developed eyes
Noons blaze!


[LXXXII. I fit for them]

I fit for them,
I seek the dark till I am thorough fit.
The labor is a solemn one,
With this sufficient sweet—
That abstinence as mine produce
A purer good for them,
If I succeed,—
If not, I had
The transport of the Aim.


[LXXXIII. Not one by Heaven defrauded stay]

Not one by Heaven defrauded stay,
Although He seem to steal,
He restitutes in some sweet way.
Secreted in His will.


[LXXXIV. The feet of people walking home]

The feet of people walking home
In gayer sandals go,
The Crocus, till she rises,
The Vassal of the Snow—
The lips at Hallelujah!
Long years of practice bore,
Till bye and bye these Bargemen
Walked singing on the shore.
Pearls are the Diver's farthings
Extorted from the Sea,
Pinions the Seraph's wagon,
Pedestrians once, as we—
Night is the morning's canvas,
Larceny, legacy,
Death but our rapt attention
To immortality.


My figures fail to tell me
How far the village lies,
Whose Peasants are the angels,
Whose Cantons dot the skies,
My Classics veil their faces,
My Faith that dark adores,
Which from its solemn Abbeys
Such resurrection pours!


[LXXXV. We should not mind so small a flower]

We should not mind so small a flower,
Except it quiet bring
Our little garden that we lost
Back to the lawn again.
So spicy her Carnations red,
So drunken reel her Bees,
So silver steal a hundred Flutes
From out a hundred trees,
That whoso sees this little flower,
By faith may clear behold
The Bobolinks around the throne,
And Dandelions gold.


[LXXXVI. To the staunch Dust we safe commit thee]

To the staunch Dust we safe commit thee;
Tongue if it hath, inviolate to thee—
Silence denote and Sanctity enforce thee,
Passenger of Infinity!


[LXXXVII. Her “Last Poems”]

Her “Last Poems”—
Poets ended,
Silver perished with her tongue,
Not on record bubbled other
Flute, or Woman, so divine;
Not unto its Summer morning
Robin uttered half the tune—
Gushed too free for the adoring,
From the Anglo-Florentine.
Late the praise—
'Tis dull conferring
On a Head too high to crown,
Diadem or Ducal showing,
Be its Grave sufficient sign.
Yet if we, no Poet's kinsman,
Suffocate with easy woe,
What and if ourself a Bridegroom,
Put Her down, in Italy?

[Written after the death of Mrs. Browning in 1861.]


[LXXXVIII. Immured in Heaven! What a Cell!]

Immured in Heaven! What a Cell!
Let every bondage be,
Thou Sweetest of the Universe,
Like that which ravished thee!


[LXXXIX. I'm thinking of that other morn]

I'm thinking of that other morn,
When Cerements let go,
And Creatures clad in Victory
Go up in two by two!


[XC. The overtakelessness of those]

The overtakelessness of those
Who have accomplished Death,
Majestic is to me beyond
The majesties of Earth.
The soul her “not at Home”
Inscribes upon the flesh,
And takes her fair aerial gait
Beyond the hope of touch.


[XCI. The Look of Thee, what is it like?]

The Look of Thee, what is it like?
Hast thou a hand or foot,
Or mansion of Identity,
And what is thy Pursuit?
Thy fellows,—are they Realms or Themes?
Hast thou Delight or Fear
Or Longing,—and is that for us
Or values more severe?
Let change transfuse all other traits,
Enact all other blame,
But deign this least certificate—
That thou shalt be the same.


[XCII. The Devil, had he fidelity]

The Devil, had he fidelity,
Would be the finest friend—
Because he has ability,
But Devils cannot mend.
Perfidy is the virtue
That would he but resign,—
The Devil, so amended,
Were durably divine.


[XCIII. Papa above]

Papa above!
Regard a Mouse
O'erpowered by the Cat;
Reserve within thy kingdom
A “mansion” for the Rat!
Snug in seraphic cupboards
To nibble all the day,
While unsuspecting cycles
Wheel pompously away.


[XCIV. Not when we know]

Not when we know
The Power accosts,
The garment of Surprise
Was all our timid Mother wore
At Home, in Paradise.


[XCV. Elijah's wagon knew no thill]

Elijah's wagon knew no thill,
Was innocent of wheel,
Elijah's horses as unique
As was his vehicle.
Elijah's journey to portray,
Expire with him the skill,
Who justified Elijah,
In feats inscrutable.


[XCVI. “Remember me,” implored the Thief]

Remember me,” implored the Thief—
Oh magnanimity!
“My Visitor in Paradise
I give thee Guaranty.”
That courtesy will fair remain,
When the delight is dust,
With which we cite this mightiest case
Of compensated Trust.
Of All, we are allowed to hope,
But Affidavit stands
That this was due, where some, we fear,
Are unexpected friends.


[XCVII. To this apartment deep]

To this apartment deep
No ribaldry may creep;
Untroubled this abode
By any man but God.


[XCVIII. Sown in dishonor?]

Sown in dishonor?”
Ah! Indeed!
May this dishonor be?
If I were half so fine myself,
I'd notice nobody!
“Sown in corruption?”
By no means!
Apostle is askew;
Corinthians I. 15, narrates
A circumstance or two!


[XCIX. Who is it seeks my pillow nights?]

Who is it seeks my pillow nights?
With plain inspecting face,
“Did you, or did you not?” to ask,
'Tis Conscience, childhood's nurse.
With martial hand she strokes the hair
Upon my wincing head,
“All rogues shall have their part in”—
The Phosphorus of God.


[C. His Cheek is his Biographer]

His Cheek is his Biographer—
As long as he can blush,
Perdition is Opprobrium;
Past that, he sins in peace.


[CI. “Heavenly Father,” take to thee]

Heavenly Father,” take to thee
The supreme iniquity,
Fashioned by thy candid hand
In a moment contraband.
Though to trust us seem to us
More respectful—“we are dust.”
We apologize to Thee
For Thine own Duplicity.


[CII. The sweets of Pillage can be known]

The sweets of Pillage can be known
To no one but the Thief,
Compassion for Integrity
Is his divinest Grief.


[CIII. A little over Jordan]

A little over Jordan,
As Genesis record,
An Angel and a Wrestler
Did wrestle long and hard.
Till, morning touching mountain,
And Jacob waxing strong,
The Angel begged permission
To breakfast and return.
Not so, quoth wily Jacob
And girt his loins anew,
“Until thou bless me, stranger!”
The which acceded to:
Light swung the silver fleeces
Peniel hills among,
And the astonished Wrestler
Found he had worsted God!


[CIV. Dust is the only secret]

Dust is the only secret,
Death the only one
You cannot find out all about
In his native town:
Nobody knew his father,
Never was a boy,
Hadn't any playmates
Or early history.
Industrious, laconic,
Punctual, sedate,
Bolder than a Brigand,
Swifter than a Fleet,
Builds like a bird too,
Christ robs the nest—
Robin after robin
Smuggled to rest!


[CV. Ambition cannot find him]

Ambition cannot find him,
Affection doesn't know
How many leagues of Nowhere
Lie between them now.
Yesterday undistinguished—
Eminent today,
For our mutual honor—


[CVI. Eden is that old fashioned House]

Eden is that old fashioned House
We dwell in every day,
Without suspecting our abode
Until we drive away.
How fair, on looking back, the Day
We sauntered from the door,
Unconscious our returning
Discover it no more.


[CVII. Candor, my tepid Friend]

Candor, my tepid Friend,
Come not to play with me!
The Myrrhs and Mochas of the Mind
Are its Iniquity.


[CVIII. Speech is a symptom of affection]

Speech is a symptom of affection,
And Silence one,
The perfectest communication
Is heard of none—
Exists and its endorsement
Is had within—
Behold! said the Apostle,
Yet had not seen.


[CIX. Who were “the Father and the Son”]

Who were “the Father and the Son”—
We pondered when a child,
And what had they to do with us—
And when portentous told
With inference appalling,
By Childhood fortified,
We thought, “at least they are no worse
Than they have been described.”
Who are “the Father and the Son”—
Did we demand today,
“The Father and the Son” himself
Would doubtless specify,
But had they the felicity
When we desired to know,
We better Friends had been, perhaps,
Than time ensue to be.
We start, to learn that we believe
But once, entirely—


Belief, it does not fit so well
When altered frequently.
We blush, that Heaven if we achieve,
Event ineffable—
We shall have shunned, until ashamed
To own the Miracle.


[CX. That Love is all there is]

That Love is all there is,
Is all we know of Love;
It is enough, the freight should be
Proportioned to the groove.


[CXI. The luxury to apprehend]

The luxury to apprehend
The luxury 'twould be
To look at thee a single time,
An Epicure of me,
In whatsoever Presence, makes,
Till, for a further food
I scarcely recollect to starve,
So first am I supplied.
The luxury to meditate
The luxury it was
To banquet on thy Countenance,
A sumptuousness bestows
On plainer days,
Whose table, far as
Certainty can see,
Is laden with a single crumb—
The consciousness of Thee.


[CXII. The Sea said “Come” to the Brook]

The Sea said “Come” to the Brook,
The Brook said “Let me grow!”
The Sea said “Then you will be a Sea—
I want a brook, Come now!”


[CXIII. All I may, if small]

All I may, if small,
Do it not display
Larger for its Totalness?
'Tis economy
To bestow a world
And withhold a star,
Utmost is munificence;
Less, though larger, Poor.


[CXIV. Love reckons by itself alone]

Love reckons by itself alone,
“As large as I” relate the Sun
To one who never felt it blaze,
Itself is all the like it has.


[CXV. The inundation of the Spring]

The inundation of the Spring
Submerges every soul,
It sweeps the tenement away
But leaves the water whole.
In which the Soul, at first alarmed,
Seeks furtive for its shore,
But acclimated, gropes no more
For that Peninsular.


[CXVI. No Autumn's intercepting chill]

No Autumn's intercepting chill
Appalls this Tropic Breast,
But African exuberance
And Asiatic rest.


[CXVII. Volcanoes be in Sicily]

Volcanoes be in Sicily
And South America,
I judge from my geography.
Volcanoes nearer here,
A lava step, at any time,
Am I inclined to climb,
A crater I may contemplate,
Vesuvius at home.


[CXVIII. Distance is not the realm of Fox]

Distance is not the realm of Fox,
Nor by relay as Bird;
Abated, Distance is until
Thyself, Beloved!


[CXIX. The treason of an accent]

The treason of an accent
Might vilify the Joy—
To breathe,—corrode the rapture
Of Sanctity to be.


[CXX. How destitute is he]

How destitute is he
Whose Gold is firm,
Who finds it every time,
The small stale sum—
When Love, with but a pence
Will so display,
As is a disrespect to India!


[CXXI. Crisis is sweet and, set the Heart]

Crisis is sweet and, set the Heart
Upon the hither side,
Has dowers of prospective
Surrendered by the Tried.
Inquire of the closing Rose
Which Rapture she preferred,
And she will tell you, sighing,
The transport of the Bud.


[CXXII. To tell the beauty would decrease]

To tell the beauty would decrease,
To state the Spell demean,
There is a syllableless sea
Of which it is the sign.
My will endeavours for its word
And fails, but entertains
A rapture as of legacies—
Of introspective mines.


[CXXIII. To love thee, year by year]

To love thee, year by year,
May less appear
Than sacrifice and cease.
However, Dear,
Forever might be short
I thought, to show,
And so I pieced it with a flower now.


[CXXIV. I showed her heights she never saw]

I showed her heights she never saw—
“Would'st climb?” I said,
She said “Not so”—
“With me?” I said, “With me?”
I showed her secrets
Morning's nest,
The rope that Nights were put across—
And now, “Would'st have me for a Guest?”
She could not find her yes—
And then, I brake my life, and Lo!
A light for her, did solemn glow,
The larger, as her face withdrew—
And could she, further, “No?”


[CXXV. On my volcano grows the grass]

On my volcano grows the grass,—
A meditative spot,
An area for a bird to choose
Would be the general thought.
How red the fire reeks below,
How insecure the sod—
Did I disclose, would populate
With awe my solitude.


[CXXVI. If I could tell how glad I was]

If I could tell how glad I was,
I should not be so glad,
But when I cannot make the Force
Nor mould it into word,
I know it is a sign
That new Dilemma be
From mathematics further off,
Than from Eternity.


[CXXVII. Her Grace is all she has]

Her Grace is all she has,
And that, so vast displays,
One Art, to recognize, must be,
Another Art to praise.


[CXXVIII. No matter where the Saints abide]

No matter where the Saints abide,
They make their circuit fair;
Behold how great a Firmament
Accompanies a star!


[CXXIX. To see her is a picture]

To see her is a picture,
To hear her is a tune,
To know her an intemperance
As innocent as June;
By which to be undone
Is dearer than Redemption—
Which never to receive,
Makes mockery of melody
It might have been to live.


[CXXX. So set its sun in thee]

So set its sun in thee,
What day is dark to me—
What distance far,
So I the ships may see
That touch how seldomly
Thy shore?


[CXXXI. Had this one day not been]

Had this one day not been,
Or could it cease to be—
How smitten, how superfluous
Were every other day!
Lest Love should value less
What Loss would value more,
Had it the stricken privilege—
It cherishes before.


[CXXXII. That she forgot me was the least]

That she forgot me was the least,
I felt it second pain,
That I was worthy to forget
Was most I thought upon.
Faithful, was all that I could boast,
But Constancy became,
To her, by her innominate,
A something like a shame.


[CXXXIII. The incidents of Love]

The incidents of Love
Are more than its Events,
Investments best expositor
Is the minute per cents.


[CXXXIV. Just so, Jesus raps—He does not weary]

Just so, Jesus raps—He does not weary—
Last at the knocker and first at the bell,
Then on divinest tiptoe standing
Might He out-spy the lady's soul.
When He retires, chilled and weary—
It will be ample time for me;
Patient, upon the steps, until then—
Heart, I am knocking low at Thee!


[CXXXV. Safe Despair it is that raves]

Safe Despair it is that raves,
Agony is frugal,
Puts itself severe away
For its own perusal.
Garrisoned no Soul can be
In the front of Trouble,
Love is one, not aggregate,
Nor is Dying double.


[CXXXVI. The Face we choose to miss]

The Face we choose to miss,
Be it but for a day—
As absent as a hundred years
When it has rode away.


[CXXXVII. Of so divine a loss]

Of so divine a loss
We enter but the gain,
Indemnity for loneliness
That such a bliss has been.


[CXXXVIII. The healed Heart shows its shallow scar]

The healed Heart shows its shallow scar
With confidential moan,
Not mended by Mortality
Are fabrics truly torn.
To go its convalescent way
So shameless is to see,
More genuine were Perfidy
Than such Fidelity.


[CXXXIX. To pile like Thunder to its close]

To pile like Thunder to its close,
Then crumble grand away,
While everything created hid—
This would be Poetry:
Or Love,—the two coeval came—
We both and neither prove,
Experience either, and consume—
For none see God and live.


[CXL. The Stars are old, that stood for me]

The Stars are old, that stood for me—
The West a little worn,
Yet newer glows the only Gold
I ever cared to earn—
Presuming on that lone result
Her infinite disdain,
But vanquished her with my defeat,
'Twas Victory was slain.


[CXLI. All circumstances are the frame]

All circumstances are the frame
In which His Face is set,
All Latitudes exist for His
Sufficient continent.
The light His Action and the dark
The Leisure of His Will,
In Him Existence serve, or set
A force illegible.


[CXLII. I did not reach thee]

I did not reach thee,
But my feet slip nearer every day;
Three Rivers and a Hill to cross,
One Desert and a Sea—
I shall not count the journey one
When I am telling thee.
Two deserts—but the year is cold
So that will help the sand—
One desert crossed, the second one
Will feel as cool as land.
Sahara is too little price
To pay for thy Right hand!
The sea comes last. Step merry, feet!
So short have we to go
To play together we are prone,
But we must labor now,


The last shall be the lightest load
That we have had to draw.
The Sun goes crooked—that is night—
Before he makes the bend
We must have passed the middle sea,
Almost we wish the end
Were further off—too great it seems
So near the Whole to stand.
We step like plush, we stand like snow—
The waters murmur now,
Three rivers and the hill are passed,
Two deserts and the sea!
Now Death usurps my premium
And gets the look at Thee.