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When great Alcides, Jove's immortal son,
Attain'd the dawn of manhood, life's spring tide,
Rushing impetuous through his agile frame,
Light bade his spirits dance, whilst health and joy
Crimson'd his cheek and revel'd in his eye;
And yet restraint the youth had never known.
When Virtue from celestial abodes,
Where she had dwelt associate with the gods;


In robes of pure simplicity array'd,
(For Virtue is so heavenly fair,
So soft her features, chaste her air,
She needs no borrow'd aid,)
To this terraqueous globe came down,
To try and prove the heart she wish'd to make her own;—
Then Vice, deceitful, was by Folly drest,
And Pleasure's fascinating mask she wore;
Loose flow'd her hair, unclasp'd her vest,
And the capricious wanton stood confest.
In her left hand a golden cup she bore,
Whilst with her right the clustering grape she prest,
Which from the swollen brim ran laughing o'er.
At the same moment both approach'd the youth,
And each in turns solicited his love.
Virtue in modest accents, grac'd by truth,
Told him, she knew the way to fame;


If he with her would climb the rugged steep,
And gain by warlike deeds a deathless name,
And with hard toil immortal laurels reap.
“Seek,” she cried, “the path to glory,
“Pain and danger fly before ye;
“Haste, Alcides, nor delay,
“Virtue, honour points the way,
“Haste and joys celestial prove.”
But Vice, in gay fantastic measure,
Lightly bounding o'er the earth,
Cried, “Follow me to joy and pleasure,
“Come to amaranthine bowers,
“Deck'd with never fading flowers;
“Where the cheek of beauty glows,
Where the sparkling nectar flows;
“Where you may dance, and sing, and play,
“And love, and laugh, your life away,
“'Tis all indeed that life is worth.”


The youth, at Vice, a look contemptuous hurl'd;
Wrenching a sturdy oak to serve as spear,
Cried, “Virtue, I'll follow thee throughout the world,
“Where thou shalt lead there is no cause for fear.
“Tho' lightnings gleam along the sky,
“Tho' thunders aweful roll,
“The God of virtue still is nigh;
“Tho' earthquakes shake th' affrighted spheres;
“Tho' pestilence with horrid glare,
“Stalk round our bed, infect the air;
“To Thee, great power, the humble soul,
“Can lift with confidence the suppliant eye,
“And thou canst hush their fears.
Virtue, I follow thee; 'tis thou alone
“Canst point the way to heaven;
“And to the God of virtue still,
“What'er betide, what'er is done,
“Whether my future fate be good or ill,
“To him be glory given.”


Vice heard, appall'd, and from her face obscene,
Dropp'd the seductive mask; her shape and mien
Of late so fascinating, shew'd to be
Itself—a lump of foul deformity.
Pale was her cheek, dejected was her eye,
Except when memory of past misdeeds,
Wak'd her to feeling and insanity;
Then would it flash such fearfull glances round,
That Virtue pausing gaz'd in pity on her;
Dropp'd a benignant tear, wish'd she could heal each wound,
And o'er her throw a veil to save her from dishonor.
“Blest was the choice he made,” I eager cried,
As rapt I lay; the volume by my side,
And mus'd on what I had read. It was the hour
“When church yards yawn,” and fancy has the power,
To raise incongruous phantoms to our view,
And almost make us think her airy visions true.
“But where in these degenerate ages,
“Can we a mortal find,


Like this recorded by the sages;
Who, when vice tempts and passion rages,
With an unshaken mind,
Will boldly quit without a sigh,
Pleasure's enamel'd meads;
To mount the path, rugged and high,
Where virtue points, and honour leads?
“Peace,” cried a voice, “ungrateful mortal, peace.”
I rais'd my eyes, a vision stood beside me;
Fair as the tints of opening day,
Her eye was chaste as Dian's ray,
Her smile so soft, I knew no evil could betide me.
A cæstus bound her lovely waist,
On which was INDEPENDENCE graven;
Bare were her arms, or only brac'd
By circlets, where these words I trac'd:
We trust in unity and heaven.


In her right hand she held a spear,
And from her left an iron chain depended,
By which, more bound by guilt and servile fear,
Hung lawless Anarchy and Shame,
Ambition, who usurp'd a patriots name,
And Envy slyly seeking to defame
The WARRIOR, by whose arm, her children were defended.
“And who art thou, bright vision?” I enquired;
“My name,” she smiling cried, “is Liberty;”
“Oh nymph, by all beloved, by all desired,
“And art thou come,” I cried, “to dwell with me?”
“No,” said the goddess, “I am come to chide.”
“Why dost thou wonder at Alcides' worth?
“Columbia boasts, and she may boast with pride,
“An equal hero's birth.
“The morn which dapples in the east,
“And makes all nature gay,
“Speaks what should be by all exprest;
“Let every face in smiles be drest,
“For 'tis his natal day.


Alcides mighty feats has done,
“Wonders perform'd and conquests won;
“But Adams, greater far than he,
“Took rigid honour for his guide;
“Stern truth and virtue on his side;
“And soaring on superior worth
“Trod base detraction to the earth;
“Firm to her cause,
“Enforc'd the laws,
“That made his country free.
“Then rise, and tune the vocal lay,
“Invoke the Muse's aid;
“Small is the tribute thou canst pay,
“Yet be that tribute paid,
“And thousands in that tribute will bear part,
“For all conspire to raise the festive lay,
“And as they joyful hail his natal day,
“Pour forth the offerings of a grateful heart.”