University of Virginia Library


“My Strength and my Heart faileth.”

In weakness at Thy feet I lie,
Thine eye each pang hath seen,
Scarce can I lift my heart on high,
Yet, Lord, on Thee I lean,—
Lean on Thy sure, unfailing word,
Thy gentle “It is I,”
For Thou, my ever-living Lord,
Know'st what it is to die.
Thou wilt be with me when I go;—
Thy life my life in death;
For, in the lowest depths, I know
Thine arms are underneath.
'T is not the infant's feeble grasp
Which holds the mother fast;
It is the mother's gentle clasp
Around her darling cast.
Just so Thy child would cling to Thee,
Knowing Thy pity long:
For feeble as my faith may be
The hand I clasp is strong.