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Looking Backward.


Go where we may, though far and long we roam,
In northern snows, or sands of Africa,
Loyal to early ties, our thought will veer
Back to the scenes beloved in infancy;
Each favorite childish haunt, remembered well,
Rises to mind, by memory's rosy hue
Transfigured bright; above no land or sea
Arch skies so fair as those we used to love;
Violets and roses are no more the same;
Even the thrush no longer sings as then;
Reality is chill, because, alas,
Youth lends not now its glamour of delight
To all that meets the eager eye and ear.
Retrace again, O memory, at our plea,
All the glad signs in youth's bright zodiac,
Charm still the hearts which in the dull today
Yearn for the warmth and light of other years!