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A time shall come, when strife shall fail,
Its terrors all shall die;
And warriors, linked in battle mail
No longer shall defy.
The trumpet's sound, the clarion's breath,
Shall rouse no more to scenes of death.
The war-tried spear, the crimson blade,
Once lifted to destroy,
The cause of industry shall aid,
And heighten human joy.
The sword that flashed with baleful glare,
Shall form the scythe and plowman's share.
He who on fields with slaughter red,
Looked round with tearless eye,
And urged his war-horse o'er the dead
With fiendish apathy,
Shall cast his blood-bought spoils away,
And turn to mild angelic sway.


Thrice happy hour! haste on thy way,
Thou, whose untiring flight,
Hast left the scenes of earlier day,
Wrapt in oblivion's night,
And bring the glorious moment nigh,
When peace shall reign and strife shall die.
Haverhill Gazette, January 13, 1827