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MAY I be canoniz'd for a Saint, if I know what Apology to make for this dull Piece of Household stuff, any more than he that first invented the Horn-Book; all that can be said in its Defence, is, the Muses hath taken as much Pains in framing their brittle Ware, as Bruin does in licking her Cubs into Shape: And should that carping Cur, Momus, but breath on it, (vah! miseris,) we are quite undone; since one Blast from the Critick's Mouth, wou'd raise more Flaws in this Looking-Glass, than there be Circles in the Sphere; and when all is said and done, the Reader will judge just as he pleases. Well, if it be the Fate of these Sheets, to supply the Use of Waste Paper, the Author has done his Part, and is determined to write on, as often as his Inclination or Interest shall prompt him.
