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On yonder barren isle in dreary cells,
The dread enchantress, Melancholy, dwells,
And her dark draught prepares;
Sad, hollow accents from her cave resound,
A glimm'ring taper throws its rays around,
And lights the frightful snares.
Within the cell a misty stream appears,
Swell'd with humanity's afflicted tears,
Which murm'ring seems to flow;
O'er mossy rocks its trick'ling course it bends,
Ghosts stand and gaze when foaming it descend,
And raise shrill shrieks of woe.
Upon the ground, th' enchantress sits reclin'd,
Around the cave howls the loud sighing wind,
A snake beside her lies,
Loose and disordered is her shaggy head,
A spotted mantle round her limbs is spread,
Deep stain'd with various dyes.


Upon its hinge hoarse moves the iron door,
Sad, sullen sounds rise from the echoing floor,
Sweet music to her ear.
Sudden she starts from her dim aged seat,
Sends a shrill scream which echoes wild repeat,
Which phantoms startling hear.
Around the cell her crimson eyes she throws,
A dreary silence spreads its still repose,
No whisp'ring zephyr blows:
Save the hard drawing of the hag's foul breath,
Bad as the vapours of destroying death;
And the slow stream which flows.
She distant, here, from human eye remains,
No mortal wanders o'er her pensive plains,
Here dusky Raven's scream;
Here glimm'ring ghosts glide solemnly along,
Who pausing list the Raven's dolesome song,
And gaze on Luna's beam.
Before the cell a cypress' branches spread,
The weeping-willow hangs its sorrowing head,
Which form a dreary scene:
Behind steep rocks with tow'ring aspect rise,
And strike an awe on the astonish'd eyes;
On distant shores survey'd.


When Cynthia on the plains her shadow throws,
When Luna and the twinkling planet glows,
And light the Gothic scene;
Close round her limbs the fairy wraps her robe,
She frightful wanders from her dark abode,
And dimly stalks the green.