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Chill the dews of Easter-even;
Twilight veils the saddened heaven;
Mists of sorrow dim our eyes,
At the grave where Jesus lies.
Deep and still the garden's gloom:—
Hush! He stirs within His tomb!
On the breathless lips, the brow,
Life through death is trembling now.
Heaven to earth is whispering;—hark!
Wings are rustling through the dark:
Angels lay His shroud aside:
Lo! He lives again, who died!
Every leaf on every tree
Feels the unfolding mystery.
Lo! He lives! He lives! The word
All the conscious air has stirred.
Look! The clouds of Easter-even
Flush with gleams from inmost heaven.


Past the night of sacrifice!
Day is breaking in His eyes!
—Give us part, O Friend divine,
In this death, this life of Thine!
Save us from our selfishness!
Make us strong, Thy world to bless!
By Thy resurrection-light
Lead us onward through the night!
In the dawn we dimly see,
Give us joyful work for Thee!
Day Star, in our hearts arisen,
Enter every spirit's prison!
Oh, make every soul a ray
Of Thy new, triumphant day!