University of Virginia Library

Libel Show Cast

Former Law School
President Linda Howard led a
small group of Libel Show cast
members in a brief
entertainment session at the
opening of the meeting.

Mr. Darden also threw a
few stones at the electioneering
practices of many American
politicians. He said politics
forces politicians to try and
promise more to the people
than his opponents.

"Unless we can change
that," he said, "our children
will live under a different form
of government than we have

Mr. Darden spent most of
his speech relating humorous
anecdotes of his tenure as
University President. "I
wouldn't trade those 12 years
for any other 12 years of my
life," he said.

He told President Edgar F.
Shannon that he would be able
to look back with joy at his
years here after his resignation.

He said Mr. Shannon is
returning to the "only job at a
University that amounts to
anything– he's going back to
teach and will not be running a
plumbing and heating business
and a fund raising
establishment on the side."