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Flexible Facilities
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Flexible Facilities

Despite these initial problems, Mr. Alford
feels that the Law School complex, when
finally completed, will provide facilities that
will be flexible to changes in legal education.

The classrooms in the new building are
designed so that they may be used with equal
case by both large and small groups. Three
rooms will handle up to 150 students, and there
will be two rooms each to handle 125, 100, and
50 students. The building will also contain
facilities for closed circuit television and other
audio-visual aids.

The new Law School's library, which will
occupy about 60 per cent of the building, is
designed to relieve the overcrowded conditions
now found in Clark Hall. Stack space in Phase
One of the complex will provide room for up to
300,000 volumes. More stacks will be added in
Phase Two.