University of Virginia Library

False Assertions

The assertions made that I and other officers
of the University and the State have refused to
listen to you, that all avenues of discussion and
action on future admissions have been
exhausted are not supported by the facts. Last
spring and again at the beginning of this
semester, I requested you to arrange with my
secretary for a schedule of at least monthly
conferences with me, as all previous Student
Council presidents have done. No such schedule
has yet been made by you, and the only
appointment made since the opening of the
session was on my initiative. You yourself are
one of live new student members of the
University Committee on Admissions, the body
most directly affecting growth. That
Committee will hold its first meeting of the
session next Tuesday, the very day you have
chosen to protest. The Committee on the
Future of the University, which includes
students in its membership, has an important
Subcommittee on Enrollment Projections. That
subcommittee will hold its first meeting of the
session tomorrow afternoon.

On September 30 you and Mr. Gillespie
met with the Board of Visitors' Committee on
Student Affairs. At that time you were
afforded an opportunity to present and discuss
with members of the Board and the chief
administrative officers documents prepared by
the Council and the Honor Committee
concerning current aspects of housing,
academic and athletic facilities, food services,
traffic, and other matters affecting students,
remained throughout the entire meeting. As
you will recall you were assured that the
administration and the Board would give full
and careful consideration to the questions you
raised. Mr. Gardner tells me that he and
Vice-President Shannon and Mr. Elwood met
with you and Mr. Gillespie and Mr. Chabot last
Thursday for more than three hours. At that
meeting and at another meeting on Tuesday,
October 12, Vice-President Shannon made it
perfectly clear to you that his Committee on
the Future of the University will give extensive
consideration to the rate of growth and future
projections, taking into account the implication
of the physical facilities and faculty staffing.