University of Virginia Library

Special Election

Ballots for the College of Arts and Sciences
also include a special Council election to fill the
post vacated by Scott Stephens. Dave Horan
and Rita Paoe (Virginia Progressive Party) are
running for this position.

Campaigning for the six regular College
representative on the Council are: from the
Virginia Progressive Party. Jon Blankenship.
Paul DiPasquale, Mike Flock, Chris Kerr, Larry
Sabato, and Mary Smith; from the Jefferson
Party, Bob Bryant. Steve Edwards, Bob Kinker,
and Jim Matthews; from the New Constitution
Party, Bill Brinton, Chris Payne, Norvel Rose,
Rob Taylor, and Kathleen Williams; from the
Monarchist Party, Roy Bertolatus, Dave Foster,
Leon LeVan, John Pinker III, and Jim Williams;
and running as an independent is James A.

Candidates for the three College
representatives to the Judiciary Committee are:
from the Jefferson Party, Ned Bergin, Paul
Barks, and Gary Lotz; on the Virginia
Progressive Party ticket, Kip Klein, Rick
Pearson, and Alan Robertson; and as
independents, Gaylord Layfield, Gordy Rawles,
and Paul Sisk.

In the Engineering School, candidates for
Council representative are: Greg Compton, Bill
Davidge (Trigon), Charles Diggs (Trigon), and
John Petro (Progressive Engineering Party).

Those seeking office as representatives on
the Engineering Council are: for fourth-year
representative James Bennett (Trigon), Mike
Detamour (Trigon), Michael P. Keen (Trigon),
Joe Littleton. Harvey L. Vines (Progressive
Engineering Party), and James L. Wamsley
(Trigon); for third-year representative - Al
Calvi (Trigon), Timothy Koogle (Progressive
Engineering Party), Greg Hudson (Progressive
Engineering Party), Michael H. Martin (Trigon),
Spencer Rogers (Trigon), and Milton B.
Whitfield (Trigon); for second-year
representative William Hughes, Thomas P.
Bracke, Roger Gauss (Trigon).


Alan Botsford

VPP Candidate For President