University of Virginia Library

'Keep Coming Back'

John Kerry, a former naval officer who was
wounded three times in Vietnam, said that the
demonstrators would "have to keep coming
back until this war ends." He expressed a need
to alter "the basic structure of the country."

"The American people know, even if their
President does not, that we have stayed too
long in Vietnam and bled too much and
committed too many horrors, and the time to
get out is now," declared Senator Vance Hartke
(D-Ind.), who is scheduled to speak at the
University commencement exercises in June.

Later in the afternoon, Sally Davis, mother
of black militant Angela Davis, charged that Lt.
William Calley Jr. is receiving preferential
treatment by the government while her
daughter is confined in a cell without bail.

After the speeches, the demonstrators
picked up their own litter from the Capitol
grounds at the urging of their parade marshals.