University of Virginia Library

People's Peace Treaty

"One of the major focuses of Peace and
Justice Day is to promote the NSA People's
Peace Treaty in the Williamsburg area and
throughout the state," she added.

Featuring nationally known speakers of its
own, the Counter Conference, to be held in the
Sunken Gardens on the campus of the College
of William and Mary, will include Rennie Davis,
Chicago 7 defendant and organizer of the
People's Coalition for Peace and Justice; John
Froincs, another of the Chicago defendants;
and Allen Ginsberg, poet.

Also appearing will be Don Gurewitz,
National Executive Secretary of the Student
Mobilization Committee; Dave Ifshin, President
of the National Student Association; Andy
Stapp, American Servicemen's Union; and
Leonard Weinglass, lawyer for the Chicago
conspiracy trial.

Recently added speakers include Cy DeBow,
vice chairman of the Virginia ACLU; Bernard
Green, Captain of the D.C. Black Panther Party;
and Margeret Hayes of the National Welfare
Rights Organization.