University of Virginia Library

Mandatory Retirement

Mr. Woody reaches the mandatory
retirement age of 70 this year and state laws
will not permit him to return to his post at the

Mr. Elzinga, well-known for his Economics
1-2 course at the University, is presently serving
as Special Assistant to Richard McClaren,
Assistant Attorney General in charge of the
Antitrust Division of the Justice Department.

While visiting Charlottesville yesterday, Mr.
Elzinga met and ate lunch with Mr. Cauthen.
According to Mr. Cauthen, the visit was strictly
social two old friends having lunch together.

Mr. Elzinga, who came to the University as
an assistant professor in 1967, received his
undergraduate education at Kalamazoo College
and obtained his Ph.D. from Michigan State
University in 1967.

After teaching at Michigan State for one
year, he came to the University where he has
been since.