University of Virginia Library

Overlooked Transgressions

"Therefore, if we in the City can show the students a
willingness to overlook transgressions where we
reasonably can, I believe the mature students, who I
believe to be in the majority, will show an equal
willingness to recognize their obligations toward the City
and its citizens.

"Fourth, whether because of our action last spring or
some other factor, this fall the students seemed to me to
have taken a much more mature attitude towards those
who would disrupt the University and the community."

Mr. Camblos stated yesterday that "the decision to
move that these cases be nol prossed has been entirely my
own. While I have wanted to seek moral support from the
University in making it, I have felt that the responsibility
was mine alone and I have, therefore, discussed the
decision with others only after the decision was made.

"I have since conferred at length with University
officials and with the heads of the various police
departments concerned. While none of the persons with
whom I have discussed the matter has dissented from my

views, each has pointed out that he did not want to, or
feel it proper to, influence my decision.

"To the citizens of Charlottesville and everyone else
concerned I take full responsibility for this action. I hope
and I believe that my faith in the ultimate good sense of
the students of the University of Virginia is