University of Virginia Library

No Letters

Mr. Golden said that all candidates are
forbidden under his council's rules to distribute
such letters through the post office to
Alderman Road residents unless they use
regular U.S. mail.

The letters originated in the Student Council
offices. According to Mary Lou Edgar, the
secretary for Council, the letters were left
outside her office on Tuesday morning. With
the letters was a note signed by Scott Stephens,
a Council representative from the College and a
candidate for re-election on the Jefferson Party
ticket, requesting Mrs. Edgar to send them out
in Student Council envelopes through
messenger mail.


Scott Stephens

Councilman Involved In Dispute

According to Dorothy Waller, clerk in
charge of the Tuttle House mail room, the
letters arrived in the post office on Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. Waller said that due to the large
volume of mail that afternoon and on
Wednesday morning, she was unable to post the
letters until, Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. Walter said that the letters arrived in
the post office through messenger mail. She
said also that a "hundred or so" letters were in
a box marked "Student Council."

Jeff Kirsch, the president of the VPP, said
that he was "disappointed" concerning the