University of Virginia Library

Empty Council Seats

The primary reason for the November
election is to fill two empty Council seats for
the College. Normally, these same seats would
again become open in January, thus
necessitation another election in December. In
order to avoid this confusing situation, it was
decided to extend the term of these offices
until January, 1972.

In order to improve the dialogue between
the student body, the Council and the
administration, dorm visits have been arranged
whereby administrators and Council members
can visit with students in the dormitory
lounges. It is hoped that through such meetings
the amount of student input into University
affairs can be greatly increased.

In another effort to improve its contact with
the student body the Council announced that
its next regular meeting on Tuesday, October
27, will be held in the Prism at 6:30 p.m.

After recommending to the Board of
Visitors several weeks ago that three students
be given non-voting membership on the Board,
the Council was finally informed by Joseph
McConnell, Rector, that although "the Visitors,
at their recent meeting, discussed with
sympathy and interest the proposal that three
representative students attend future meetings
of the Board of Visitors as non-voting members,
the Board, for a variety of reasons, cannot grant
this request." No reasons for the denial were

The final business included a
recommendation to the Housing Office that a
more equitable manner of assigning upper class
dormitory space be established. The proposal
supported a system of allotment on a
first-come, first-served basis for all students
with no seniority privileges.