University of Virginia Library

Lower Contributions

Clay E. Delauney, Director of the
Alumni Fund, said yesterday that contributions
from alumni were lower for the
period from May to September of this
year than the average total for previous
years. Mr. Delauney was quick to point
out that this decline cannot serve as a
basis for comparison against previous
years because there is usually little incentive on
the part of alumni to contribute except during
the fund raising drive.

Mr. Delauney said that the annual fund drive
for the alumni runs from September 15 until
December 15. He said also that alumni contributions
are characteristically slow during the
summer months.

When asked to explain the decline in lifetime
subscriptions. Mr. Sullivan could not
specify any particular reason for the decline. It
has been voiced by many sections of the
University that the suspicion and misunderstanding
surrounding the Alumni Association's
telegram that was sent last May to many
parents of students here, are primary reasons
for the decline. This telegram concerned the
student strike here and caused a furor when it
was learned that alumni funds were used in its preparation and delivery.