University of Virginia Library

Public Disillusionment

"There is today public disillusionment over
disruptions at our institutions of higher
education," he continued. "Institutions are
being hurt by the lack of money. Faculties are
under student attack. Some of the criticisms of
faculties are justified, others are not. Let us not
leave ourselves open to criticism."

Mr. Shannon also thanked the faculty for
their time and energy during last year's long
and critical meetings.

In other business, Brian Freeman, secretary
of the faculty, announced his resignation at last
night's meeting. The faculty approved Mr.
Shannon's nominee to replace Mr. Freeman,
Robert Brian of the Chemistry Department.

John Sullivan will remain as parliamentarian
of the faculty.

Irby Cauthen, Dean of the College,
announced that the size of the College had
increased by approximately 600 students from
last year. He stated that College enrollment
now stood at 4551 students.

Mr. Cauthen also announced the
appointment of three new association deans in
the College. They were John Stuart, to help
Marcus Mallett in advising Special Scholars,
Charles Vandersee to the Alderman Road
Association, and Thomas Hearly to the
Observatory Hill Association.