University of Virginia Library

Double Jeopardy

This change, council feels, might increase
the legal jurisdiction of the University with
regards to local law enforcement officials, and
avoid the possibility of a student being tried
more than once by different agencies for the
same offence.

Council member Judy Wellman suggested
that in the letters to be sent the student body
that council make it clear that the "Administration
has reacted to last May." She added that
the administration should look at the causes of
last May's disorders, and not just make more

Miss Wellman also proposed that the letter
should emphasize that the rules will be
interpreted by the Judiciary Committee, and
that constitutional rights of students are

Regarding the interim suspension sanction in
the code of conduct, council decided to oppose
it on substantive grounds, and to request that
procedural changes be made. The proposed
changes will be drafted and presented to the
Board of Visitors when it meets this week.

Student Body President Kevin Mannix
stated "I am fully against interim suspension. I
have yet to be shown an example where other
legal means couldn't solve the problem. I do
not mean to say that I don't have faith in Mr.
Williams' intentions but I have no idea who his
successor will be and how his successor may
interpret and use it."