University of Virginia Library

Restricted From University

According to Mr. Gardner, Mr.
Williams' letter, dated September 21,

"In view of your recent convictions in
the County Court of Albemarle County for
unlawfully destroying University property and
in the City Court of Charlottesville for cursing
Chief Houchens of the University security
police, which convictions have now become
final, you are hereby directed that you are not
to come on the Grounds of the University
henceforth, unless you are being treated at the
University of Virginia Hospital or are requested
to return on official business by a University
official, and the Department of Security is
informed of the request.

"Should you violate this order, you may be
liable for arrest until such time as permission
may be granted for you to return."

When contacted about the arrest, Mr.
Williams said, "I understand that he was being
looked for by the city as a result of a perjury
charge raised by a Grand Jury on Saturday."
Mr. Williams added, however, that the arrest
yesterday afternoon was in no way related to
the letter barring Mr. Doran from the Grounds.