University of Virginia Library

Open Meeting Cancelled

Mr. Golden stated that the leaders had
cancelled a promised open meeting of all
students at University Hall Wednesday night
because they were scared that the strike was

Bud Ogle, former President of Council, told
the audience that no open meeting had be
promised and that the alienation following the
speeches Wednesday night made the situation in
University Hall unsuitable for any meeting.

Tom Steele, a fourth yearman in the
College, then indicated that the strike needed a
unifying issue and that he "did not care what it
was as long as the strike still centered on the
Cambodian issue."

Arthur Waskow of the Institute for Policy
Studies in Washington spoke to the audience on
student demands.

Mr. Waskow stated that the war in Vietnam
and in Cambodia has "made people all over the
country realize that the rulers of the nation are
mad and that it is essential that the people must
become ran."

"These political debates in the student
strikes," he continued, "remind me of the
debates at New England town meetings where
people meet in solidarity to organize their own
ideas on changing their society."

Mr. Waskow also stated that the strikes
against the extension of the war in Southeast
Asia is spreading outside the universities. He
told the audience that the United Auto Workers
in Framingham, Massachusetts, are planning a
"sick-out" because "they are sick of the war in