University of Virginia Library

Mass Rally At Rotunda

We encourage all students to participate in
the Freedom Day Activities on May 6 and 7."

The urged action is termed a "boycott"
rather than a "strike" so that faculty members
may participate. State law prohibits state
employees from striking.

Beginning at 8:45 a.m. students will picket
Cabell Hall, urging students to boycott classes.
During classes, students will hold informal
"action sessions" on the Lawn in front of
Cabell Hall to discuss the Cambodian issue.

At 11 a.m. a mass rally will be held on the
north side of the Rotunda. The featured
speakers at the rally to protest President
Nixon's action will be William Harbaugh of the
history department, "Yippie" leader Jerry
Rubin, Jim Roebuck, and Arthur Ogle.
President Edgar F. Shannon Jr. declined an
invitation to speak. Attorney Kunstler will also
be invited to take part in the rally.