University of Virginia Library

Mental Gymnastics

David Flaherty, an assistant professor of
history, then asked how the committee had
achieved "such mental gymnastics" in stating
that the ROTC courses had a large measure of
local autonomy when course outlines,
objectives, and bibliographies for courses were
supplied by the Pentagon.

Mr. Selden stated that ROTC instructors did
not have to use these materials as long as they
met the objectives handed down from

John E. Craig, an acting assistant professor
of history, came out in favor of the proposal.

He stated that he felt that the programs gave
the students "a good deal" and that by keeping
the military at the University, the faculty
would be helping to keep the military under
some civilian control through college educated

William Harbaugh, a professor of history,
stated that he opposed the recommendation.

"From my own personal experience, I can
state that the 90 day wonders of World War II
were just as well trained as ROTC cadets." Mr.
Harbaugh continued by stating that "it is
fallacious to assume that the security of the
nation is in any way related to the way we vote
on ROTC today."

Responding to the point that ROTC
liberalized the army with college educated
officers, Robert J. Morgan, a professor of
government, stated that "citizen soldiers have
provided the manpower for the battlefield not
the people who decide on policy."

Mr. Morgan added that he felt by voting
down the recommendation, the Faculty would
not be a radical faculty but a conservative one
for it would preserve and not destroy "the
political traditions of this nation."