University of Virginia Library

No "Railroading"

John Moore, chairman of the Curriculum
Committee, stated that the Committee has tried
to give every faculty member the opportunity
to present their views and has "not tried to
railroad anything through." He later outlined
the general principles which motivated the
Committee in its search for a more viable

Charles H. Giften of the Mathematics
Department along with co-signers Charles l.
Dunkl and Donald P. Ramirez introduced an
amendment which would have required a
student to have taken at least 96 semester hours
passed on a graded basis to graduate. This
would allow a student to take as many pass-fail
courses as he would desire above the 96 hour
base level.

In addition the motion would have required
all students to have at least a 2.0 average to
graduate. All of his courses would count, not
just the 120 he presently selects.