University of Virginia Library

More Names Wanted

Mr. Hickman is hoping to
provide at least 150 names to allow
the President to appoint more
students to the committees. This
has been impossible in the past, he
explained, due to a lack of
prospective student members.

"Any student interested in serving
on a committee should contact
one of the named student officers
and make his interest known," Mr.
Hickman stressed.

There are at present 23 Administrative
Committees on which students
sit. These include the Calendar
and Scheduling Committee, the
Committee on the Future of the
University, the Master Plan Committee
and the Committee on
Student Activities, among others.

More importantly, however, five
Faculty committees have recently
been opened to student participation.
These are the Committee on
Academic Legislation, the Committee
on Admissions Policy, the
Committee on Athletics, the Committee
on Community and Branch
Colleges and Extension Centres and
the Committee on Educational
Policy and Budget.