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Other Factors Considered

There were also other factors to
be considered. Mr. Murdock was a
new candidate, and he would surely
need the added exposure of a
prolonged campaign. There was
the question of a long or short
campaign. While first-year men
often tired of being subjected to an
endless flow of words, the candidates
agreed that the issues facing
the Honor System were of such
grave importance that first-year
men should be given an opportunity
to become familiar with them.

This question ultimately decided
the debate, and the election was
postponed a week, from Wednesday
and Thursday, April 9 and 10, to
April 16 and 17.

Several other details of the
procedure of the campaign were
decided. These followed a general
trend of allowing candidates the
greatest freedom in running their
campaigns. It was decided that the
campaign would begin Wednesday.
April 2, and would run to election
day, excluding Fridays and Saturdays.
This is an increase in total
campaign days, and the daily
campaign hours, which now include
afternoons and evenings. Campaigning
will officially begin at 2 p.m.
and will end at midnight.