University of Virginia Library

Disadvantaged Students

In 1967 the University made a detailed proposal to a
major foundation for support for a program for students
with culturally limited backgrounds. The foundation
informed the University that shifts in the priorities of the
foundation to the immediate problems in urban slums
made it impossible for the foundation to consider the
University's proposal, and that federal funds might be

The University at once undertook to seek federal
support for the plan, only to be advised it could not be
funded by any federal program then existing. In July,
1968, President Shannon described the federal refusal to
the foundation and asked if there was any possibility that
priorities would then permit reconsideration.

He pointed out that the University's Upward Bound
program encourages disadvantaged students toward higher
education, but the additional program would be
concerned with admitting them into the University and
assisting them to overcome their disadvantages.

The foundation's reply was still negative. As soon as
guidelines for the new federal program in this field are
available, a new proposal will be entered. The Rockefeller
Foundation was the organization involved.