University of Virginia Library

Assistance In Hiring

"The committee's purpose shall
be to recommend a list of
prospective Black recruiting officers
and to assist in the hiring of one of
these men." This motion passed

Mr. Ogle then moved that the
Student Council "challenges
President Shannon and the
Administration to discuss in open
forum the topic "A Black
admissions officer will help the
Admissions Office recruit more
Black students and therefore is the
top priority in hiring admissions
staff," such discussion to be held at
the time and place most convenient
to the Administration." That
motion passed with only two
dissenting votes.

Mr. Ogle said yesterday that "It
is just not good enough to be
content with an increase from 12 to
18 Black students in the entering
class." He said that more of an
effort is required and he wished
that the Admissions Office would
stop "dilly-dallying around."

Following Mr. Ogle's two
motions, Gene Angle moved that:
"The Student Council wished to
express its dissatisfaction with the
Administration's indecisiveness in
dealing with the specified
recommendation it passed at its
November 12 meeting in favor of
iring a Black Admissions Officer.