University of Virginia Library


Usefulness characterizes the
conglomeration. First there is the
cover, consisting of a foil glued
onto a grey envelope. Not only is it
a cover, but a container for all the
goodies inside. Then, having
fulfilled that purpose, it can be
used by the reader as a decorative
wrapper for other items. After that,
you may detach the foil
(continuing to use the charming
grey envelope as you will) and
fashion sun wings from the foil to
catch all those benevolent solar rays
(to use a phrase lamentably
forgotten), thus to become tanned
behind the ears. Then, the
enterprising cuisiniers among us will
utilize it further, to bake a potato

Then, for the term paperers
among us is offered a "Free Plastic
Starter Whistle," a bibliography of
Peter and Alison Smithson, by (of
all people) Peter and Alison
Smithson. Ensheathed in a groovy
mustard folder with a groovy
picture of four people obviously
having a groovy time, this listing
informs us that such gems as
"Banham's Book on Brutalism" was
printed in the January '67 edition of
A.D., whatever that is - you can't
find out from this article. Of
course, for those who aren't
fascinated by these two immortals
- I inquired of four architecture
students, including two Modulus
staffers, and not one could wasteify
them - this piece is a total wast..It
would be far more valuable - not
to say entertaining - for UVM to
print the collected works of Charles
C. Calhoun, and Rapier, the
Quotations of Chairman Rosen.